
来源 :财会月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dickensking
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今年以来,武汉市公路货运企业,由于各种原因,经济效益严重下滑,今年上半年亏损总额达215万元,比去年同期增亏71万元。原因之一,竞争意识薄弱,转换机制滞慢。公路货运企业由于认识水平和改革力度不足,直到今年五月才推行单车承包,到目前为止,各企业仍有一定数量的车辆没有包出去,导致盈利企业盈利水平下降,亏损企业亏损有增无减。原因之二,组货不力,管理松驰,费用上升。今年以来,随着经济发展加快和外部环境改善,工商企业产销两旺,货运市场看好,但由于企业没有抓住有利时机,导致运输量减少,费用相对上升,经营处于困境。上半年完成货运周转量比去年同期减少49184吨/公里,管理费比去年同期增加105万元。原因之三,收入成本倒挂,燃料消耗上升,据统计,上半年实现运输收入3070万元,运输成本却为3147万元,逆差77万元,与去年同期顺差169万元相比,减少收入246万元,其中燃料费用比去年同期增加187万元,扣除燃料涨价因素,仍比去年同期增加67万元。对此,笔者建议采取如下对策: 1.提高竞争和风险意识。企业应下真功夫全面推行单车承包,把企业和职工推向市场,增强风险意识,使其发挥最大的效能。 Since the beginning of this year, road freight companies in Wuhan have suffered serious economic decline due to various reasons. In the first half of this year, the total loss amounted to 2.15 million yuan, a loss of 71 million yuan over the same period of last year. One of the reasons is that the sense of competition is weak and the conversion mechanism is slow. Due to lack of awareness and reform, road freight transport companies did not implement bicycle contracting until May of this year. So far, there are still a certain number of vehicles that are not packaged out, resulting in a decline in the profitability of profitable companies and an increase in losses of loss-making enterprises. . The second reason is that the combination of goods is weak, the management is slack, and the cost is rising. Since the beginning of this year, with the acceleration of economic development and the improvement of the external environment, industrial and commercial enterprises have enjoyed prosperous production and sales, and the freight market has been promising. However, due to the lack of favorable opportunities for enterprises, the volume of transportation has been reduced and the cost has been rising. The operation is in a predicament. In the first half of the year, the volume of freight turnover completed was 49,184 tons/km lower than the same period of last year, and the management fee was increased by 1.05 million yuan over the same period of last year. The third reason is that the income costs are reversed and fuel consumption rises. According to statistics, in the first half of the year, the transportation income was 30.7 million yuan, the transportation cost was 31.47 million yuan, and the deficit was 770,000 yuan. Compared with the surplus of 1.69 million yuan over the same period of last year, the revenue was reduced by 246 Ten thousand yuan, of which the fuel cost increased by 1.87 million yuan over the same period of last year. After deducting the fuel price increase factor, it still increased 670,000 yuan over the same period of last year. In this regard, the author proposes to take the following countermeasures: 1. Improve competition and risk awareness. Enterprises should work hard to fully implement bicycle contracting to bring enterprises and employees to the market, enhance risk awareness, and maximize their effectiveness.
在那些凉爽宜人的初夏的上午,我经常带着两个女儿来到我们自己农场的一片草地上,安静地观察一群土松鼠在它们的地窝里高兴地蹦进蹦出。这个快乐的小巢建筑在一个圆面包似的隆起的土堆上,我的孩子们把这个圆土堆昵称为“月亮岛”。  有一天,风和日丽万里无云,一只年幼的松鼠经不住大自然的诱惑,独自一个漫游到农场另一边的大花圃中。正当它只顾贪婪地啃嚼仙人球上粉红色的小花瓣时,一只墨西哥鹰张着巨大的黑翅从高空盘旋而下