Performance Analysis of a DS-CDMA Cellular System with Effects of Soft Handoff in Log-Normal Shadowi

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TeaTempTea
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Next generation wireless communication is based on a global system of fixed and wireless mobile services thatare transportable across different network back-bones,network service providers and network geographical boundaries.This paper presents an approach to investigate the effects of soft handover and perfect power control on the forward link ina DS-CDMA cellular system.Especially,the relationships between the size ofhandover zone and the capacity gain are e-valuated under the log-normal shadow channel.Then the optimization of maximum forward capacity is very necessary tobe done with the maximum size of soft handover zone to the various system characteristics. Next generation wireless communication is based on a global system of fixed and wireless mobile services thatare transportable across different network back-bones, network service providers and network geographical boundaries. This paper presents an approach to investigate the effects of soft handover and perfect power control on the forward link ina DS-CDMA cellular system .Especially, the relationships between the size ofhandover zone and the capacity gain are e-valuated under the log-normal shadow channel.Then the optimization of maximum forward capacity is very necessary tobe done with the maximum size of soft handover zone to the various system characteristics.
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