
来源 :催化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swxylq
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The development of environmentally friendly solid acid catalysts is a priority task. Highly oxidized activated carbon and their ion-substituted (saline) forms are effective proton transfer catalysts in esterification, hydrolysis, and dehydration, and thus are promising candidates as solid acid cata-lysts. Computations by the ab initio method indicated the cause for the enchanced acidity of the carboxylic groups attached to the surface of highly oxidized carbon. The synthesis of phosphorilated carbon was considered, and the proton transfer reactions catalyzed by them in recent studies were analyzed. The development of an amorphous carbon acid catalyst comprising polycyclic carbonaceous (graphene) sheets with –SO3H, –COOH and phenolic type OH-groups was carried out. These new catalysts were synthesized by partial pyrolysis and subsequent sulfonation of carbohydrates, polymers, and other organic compounds. Their high catalytic activities in proton transfere reactions including the processing of bio-based raw materials was demonsrated. The development of environmentally friendly solid acid catalysts is a priority task. Highly oxidized activated carbon and their ion-substituted (saline) forms are effective proton transfer catalysts in esterification, hydrolysis, and dehydration, and thus are sustainable candidates as solid acid cata-lysts . Computations by the ab initio method indicated the cause for the enchanced acidity of the carboxylic groups attached to the surface of highly oxidized carbon. The synthesis of phosphorilated carbon was considered, and the proton transfer reactions catalyzed by them in recent studies were analyzed. The development of an amorphous carbon acid catalyst comprising polycyclic carbonaceous (graphene) sheets with -SO3H, -COOH and phenolic type OH-groups was carried out. These new catalysts were synthesized by partial pyrolysis and subsequent sulfonation of carbohydrates, polymers, and other organic compounds Their high catalytic activities in proton transfere reactions including the pro cessing of bio-based raw materials was demonsrated.
过去 1 5年的新观点 :有两种生育情况与乳癌危险性有关。Lambe等的研究表明生育使母亲患乳癌危险暂时升高 ,继而长期显著降低的双重效应 ,以解释年轻妇女乳癌危险升高而非降
米非司酮对足月妊娠妇女的宫颈有良好的促成熟作用。本实验应用米非司酮配伍催产素静滴 ,用于足月妊娠促宫颈成熟并诱导引产 ,取得良好疗效 ,现分析如下 :1资料与方法1.1一般资料
异位妊娠误诊,临床并不少见。误诊后续行药物流产,其临床表现则更为复杂。本文报告12例异位妊娠误行药物流产病例的临床经过及处理,并分析其临床特点及预防措施。1 临床资料
目的研究快速准确检测尿汞的方法。方法采用微波消解氢化物发生原子荧光法测定。结果尿汞结果在0~10μg/L范围内,线性良好,相关系数r=0.999 7,检出限为0.003μg/L,相对标准偏