Modified one-cut circumcision technique by clamp: reports of 2000 cases

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoxuan123456
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In the west countries, circumcision has been performed for a long time. However, because of religious and cultural differences, circumcision was rare in China before the 20th century. As a result, penile cancer, accounting for 17% of all cancers, was more common.1 With the introduction of west medicine in the 1920s, especially after the establishment of urology as a separate department, gradually more circumcisions were carried out. The incidence of penile cancer was also reduced to 0.34/100 000, which was similar to West developed countries.1 Recently, in China, circumcision has become one of the most basic operations in urological surgery. More people have realized the efficacy of circumcision in preventing acquisition and transmission of sexually transmitted infections.2,3
Background The incidence of invasive aspergillosis (IA) has increased in frequency in immunocompromised patients with a variety of diseases. The poor prognosis
9月3日, 第十二届全国人大常委会第二十二次会议于审议批准了《中华人民共和国加入世界贸易组织关税减让表修正案》. 据此, 我国将于近期开始对从世界贸易组织成员进口的201
目的 探讨腹壁子宫内膜异位症病灶切除并行整形术的围手术期护理.方法 回顾性分析11例患者临床资料,总结围手术期的有效护理措施.结果 11例患者治疗效果满意,随诊无一例复发.