
来源 :国际地震动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjb
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国家地震局于1984年下达给天津市地震局在天津地区进行地下水位数字化传输的任务,要求在两年内利用现有的地震传输台网的有线线路完成对3个井孔水位动态信息的传输、建立一个有3个子台、1个中心台的数字传输及终端处理系统。天津市地震局仪器传输室的科研人员承担了这一任务。自1984年初开始总体方案设计和方案论证后确定:①用6802单板机为井口采集 In 1984, the State Seismological Bureau issued the task of Tianjin Seismological Bureau to carry out digital transmission of groundwater level in Tianjin. It requested that the transmission of the dynamic information of the three borehole water levels be completed within two years by using the existing seismic transmission line network, Establish a digital transmission and terminal processing system with 3 sub-stations and 1 central station. Tianjin Seismological Bureau instrument transmission room researchers assume this task. Since the beginning of 1984 the overall program design and program demonstration to determine: ① with 6802 single-board machine for wellhead acquisition
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