
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelasun
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《中国中医药报》2017年2月13日讯:2017年2月10日,国家中医药管理局召开2017年局直属机关“两会”代表委员、民主党派人士及侨台代表新春座谈会,旨在广泛听取意见,加强交流,凝心聚力。国家卫生计生委副主任、国家中医药管理局党组书记、局长王国强主持会议并强调,要深入学习习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神特别是发展中医药的新思想新论断新要求,为新形势下中医药事业的振兴发展建言献策。王国强通报2016年中医药十大新闻,传达2017年全国中医药工作会议精神,介绍今年重点工作,并对“两会”代表委员、民主党派人士和侨台胞对中医药事业的大力支持与关心表示 “China’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Newspaper” February 13, 2017: On February 10, 2017, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine convened a forum for the Spring Festival held by the organs under the authority of the Bureau of the Bureau of the Bureau of 2017, members of the “two sessions”, representatives of the democratic parties and the representatives of overseas Chinese from Taiwan, , Aims to listen to opinions widely, strengthen exchanges and get together. Wang Guoqiang, deputy director of the State Health and Family Planning Commission and director of the party committee of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, presided over the meeting and emphasized that it is necessary to further study General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, especially the new requirements for the development of new ideas in traditional Chinese medicine, Revitalization of the development of medical offer advice and suggestions. Wang Guoqiang briefed on the top ten Chinese medicine news in 2016, conveyed the spirit of the 2017 National Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced key tasks for this year, and expressed strong support for the “traditional Chinese medicine” held by representatives of the “two sessions”, members of the democratic parties, and overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots Care expressed
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