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空泡蝶鞍症是由于鞍隔缺损或垂体萎缩,随之蛛网膜下腔疝入鞍内,导致蝶鞍扩大、腺垂体和视交叉受压,从而产生一系列症状。该病在临床上十分少见。近年来随着电子计算机断层扫描、核磁共振显象术等影象诊断技术的应用,空泡蝶鞍症有增多趋势。例1 梅××女48岁住院号54400 1988年4月,患者在体检时偶然发现双眼视乳头水肿,遂收住院检查。近2个月,自觉双眼眶偶有胀痛,右眼前有黑影飘动。全身无何不适。既往无特殊病史。血压114/76mmHg,常规体检正常。血糖、血脂正 Vacuolar saddle syndrome is due to the septal defect or pituitary atrophy, followed by subarachnoid hernia into the saddle, leading to enlargement of the sella, pituitary and optic chiasm compression, resulting in a series of symptoms. The disease is clinically rare. In recent years, with computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and other imaging diagnostic techniques, there is an increasing trend of vacuolar saddle. Example 1 Mei × × female 48-year-old hospital 54400 In April 1988, patients occasionally found binocular papilledema on physical examination, then admitted to hospital for examination. Nearly 2 months, conscious occasional pain in the eyes orbital right eye shadow fluttering. No discomfort throughout the body. No special medical history. Blood pressure 114 / 76mmHg, normal physical examination. Blood sugar, blood lipids are
The school is full of children who have all left their homes at the age of five or six.Here,at the gymnastics school of Xiantao,in Hubei province,these little g
患儿 ,女 ,4个月 ,因反复粘液血便 1月入院。 1月前不明原因出现腹泻 ,为粘液脓血便 ,每日 3~ 4次 ,每次量少 ,排便时常哭闹不止 ,无发热 ,抽搐 ,惊厥。门诊以菌痢予抗感染治
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随着国内红色旅游、 红色营销的兴起,收藏 品市场“红色”藏品的 价值也随着飙升。 北京东方名源文 化艺术有限公司董事 长王伟说:“这体现 了富裕后的中国收 藏品市场,对历
自提倡素质教育以来,我们一直在进行课堂教学改革,构建高效课堂。那么一堂数学课具备哪些关键因素,才能称得上高效呢?  一、高效课堂应具备的特点  1.学生对数学学习产生兴趣  俗话说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”要想实现高效数学课堂,就要让学生对学习产生兴趣。教师可以从能激发学生学习兴趣的例题入手。  例1.观察52=25,152=225,252=625,352=1225,452=2025,552=302
“化蝶”一词最早出现在新蔡县人干宝的《搜神记》中,之后便有了下面的庄周梦蝶和梁祝化蝶的故事。 The word “butterfly” first appeared in Xin Cai County, human dry