Module 11 Unit 1-2 巩固操练

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  Unit 1
  1. Though the news that the launch of the spacecraft Tiangong-1 is postponed came as________disappointment to some, many others applauded________decision.
  A. a; the
  B. /; the
  C. the; a
  D. a; a
  2. It’s difficult for Carol to________his family on such a small salary.
  A. support
  B. rely
  C. center
  D. depend
  3. The doctor suggests that her headaches are due to________and that she________at home.
  A. sleepy; should rest
  B. nervous; rests
  C. stress; rest
  D. tired; rested 
  4. An old house of mine was large and bright; , the new flat seems small and dark.
  A. in reality
  B. in contrast
  C. in other words
  D. in turn
  5. Those people performing such ordinary but vital tasks allow people to________their daily lives.
  A. go about
  B. go against
  C. go ahead
  D. go over
  6. Actually many students listen carefully in class, with their attention________on their teacher.
  A. to fix
  B. fixed
  C. fixing
  D. fix
  7. That area has lots of natural resources________there is too much pollution________this one has none________all the people are living without any care.
  A. but; while; but
  B. but; but; but
  C. but; or; while
  D. and; so; but
  8. John went to the hospital alone. If he________me about it, I would have gone with him.
  A. should tell
  B. tells
  C. told
  D. had told
  9. After the shower suddenly stopped,________the sky was .
  A. clearing up
  B. cleared out
  C. clearing away
  D. cleared off
  10. Whenever Tony thought of the war he experienced, he would drink a large glass of brandy to calm his .
  A. body
  B. reflection
  C. nerves
  D. fist
  11. While giving lessons, the professor couldn’t make himself , so he tried to give a clear explanation .
  A. understand; in short
  B. to understand; in doubt
  C. understood; in detail
  D. understanding; in all
  12. When examinations draw near, some students in Senior Grade Three are .
  A. under consideration
  B. under repair
  C. under discussion
  D. under pressure
  13. Our headmaster rented a coach that can________48 people for our trip to Hangzhou.
  A. load
  B. hold
  C. fill
  D. support
  14. — When did you first meet your girlfriend?
   — It was on National Day________her elder brother got married.
  A. that
  B. which
  C. when
  D. what
  15. , a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.”
  A. Watching TV
  B. I was watching TV 
  C. To watch TV
  D. While I was watching TV
  16. — How long will it be________the Youth Olympic Games are________held in Nanjing?
  — It will be less than three years.
  A. before
  B. than
  C. when
  D. since
  17. It is important for anyone________education to understand their own strengths and________what their particular skills are.
  A. to leave; determine
  B. leave; to have determined 
  C. leaving; to determine
  D. leaving; determining
  18. Oh, I think it is the taxi driver that , who drove too fast and carelessly.
  A. is going to blame
  B. is blamed
  C. is to be blamed
  D. is to blame 
  19. It was believed that things would get worse, but________it is they are getting better.
  A. before
  B. as
  C. because
  D. after
  20. As I________the deserted cottage in the rainforest, my heart beat faster and faster.
  A. approached
  B. walked
  C. ran
  D. stepped
  clear up; correspond with; think about; under pressure; come with;
  in contrast; go about; in general; take pleasure in; send in
  1. They are also________huge________to appear young and beautiful.
  2. If you want to get the good job, you must know the stress and pressure________it.
  3. Last month our government________many illegal entertainment places.
  4. I have no idea how I can________writing an English composition within 150 words.
  5. To tell you the truth, , your English papers are well written except for a few spelling mistakes.
  6. Peter Brown likes playing football while his sister________playing the piano.
  7. I often________what you said last time I saw you.
  8. Alan has already________her application to study Chinese in Nanjing University.
  9.________to her uncle, she is always considerate in her treatment of others.
  10. The written record of the conversation doesn’t________what was actually said.
  1. I don’t think this kind of toy________(适合) your children, who are very young.
  2. Could you tell me (如何处理) these tough problems since I’m quite busy.
  3. The thief was seated in the corner(手绑在) to the wooden chair. 
  4. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. (事实上), most people say it was the worst winter of their lives.
  5. If you don’t insist on taking exercise for half an hour every day, I’m sure that you’ll (发胖).
  6. (作为时装设计师), he is a success all over the world.
  7. I’m very interested in (对化学物质进行科学研究).
  8. You’d better (不要想着电脑游戏) and get on with your homework.
  9. Another advantage to (拥有男教师就在于) they see things from a different angle from women.
  10. I don’t suppose I really thought about the fact (只有少数男演员获得成功).
  Unit 2
  1. Word came________Shenzhou-8 would dock (对接) with the spacecraft Tiangong-1 on November 3, 2011.
  A. if
  B. when
  C. that
  D. which
  2. The World Expo is like________great stage for cultural exchange, bringing people into closer contact with________rest of the world.
  A. a; /
  B. the; /
  C. a; the
  D. the; the
  3. If I write down something from my memory, would you please tell me if I’ve________anything ?
  A. left ... alone
  B. left ... aside
  C. left ... over
  D. left ... out 
  4.________think of “if and when”, start doing, take action and stop talking about “if and when”.
  A. Rather than
  B. More than
  C. Less than
  D. Other than
  5. It is also very important that you should wear________clothes which makes you feel confident.
  A. clever
  B. smart
  C. bright
  D. wise
  6. 2011 Star of Outlook English Talent Competition gave him the________over other competitors, winning the first prize in Jiangsu.
  A. chance
  B. right
  C. edge
  D. space
  7. A job application form, a CV and a covering letter must________to Nanjing No.3 Senior School by August 1.
  A. be sent in
  B. send away
  C. be sent up
  D. send off
  8.________a graduate is gifted and practical, physical appearance will not play an important part in job hunting.
  A. Unless
  B. Even if
  C. As long as
  D. Before
  9. — I’m sorry that I didn’t make it to your wedding last week.
   — . I know you’re busy these days.
  A. That’s all right
  B. Don’t mention it
  C. No kidding
  D. Of course
  10. Having checked the doors were closed, and________all the lights went out, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.
   A. that
  B. when
  C. why
  D. where
  11. It is uncertain________side effect the new medicine will bring about though five thousand patients or so have taken it.
  A. how
  B. whether
  C. that
  D. what
  12. Nancy looked at Smith, with tears________her eyes, and shouted out of words________in her heart for years.
  A. filled; hidden
  B. filling; hidden
  C. filled; hiding
  D. filling; hiding
  13.________by his grandparents in the country, he isn’t used to________in Yangzhou.
  A. Growing up; live
  B. Having brought up; live
  C. Brought up; living
  D. Grown up; living
  14. — I think I should wear a dress instead of the jeans.
  — It’s just a small informal party, so you don’t have to .
  A. warm up
  B. put up
  C. dress up
  D. keep up
  15. He loves giving parties, and does so whenever he can find .
  A. an excuse
  B. an apology
  C. an explanation
  D. a cause
  16. — Do you mind________alone at home for two hours?
   — No, but I want a good book .
  A. leaving; to read
  B. to be left; reading
  C. to leave; reading
  D. being left; to read
  17. Schindler saved 1,200 Jews from death, so he’s a real hero________the people who love peace.
  A. in terms of
  B. in the eyes of
  C. in honor of
  D. in favor of
  18. I understand why Phillips was angry but________was no need to be rude to his sister.
  A. it
  B. that
  C. there
  D. this
  19. — I hear you________in a pub. What’s it like?
  — Well, it’s very hard work and I’m always tired, but I don’t mind.
  A. are working
  B. will work
  C. were working
  D. will be working
  20. — You could always put the decision off a little bit longer.
  —________If I leave it much longer,________I might miss my chance.
  A.That’s reasonable advice
  B. Isn’t it a good idea?
  C. Do you think so?
  D. I can’t agree more. 
  off the top of one’s head; have butterflies in the stomach; look sb. in the eye; quake with fear; nod one’s head; as soon as; even if; as well as; follow up; make a difference
  1. If I don’t keep my word, I won’t be able to________my girl friend .
  2. When he stepped into the cave, Crusoe .
  3. You know, the interviewers will begin to judge you________they see you.
  4. Look! The soldiers are________their victories and going forward.
  5. Remember that you won’t have to answer questions________during the interview.
  6.________you achieve great success, you should be modest.
  7. Last week the 40-year-old lady gave birth to a baby, who was lively________healthy.
  8. I don’t think it________what color it is.
  9. When John asked Mary whether she would like to marry him, she .
  10. Never worry about________before the College Entrance examination.
  1. Self-confidence is ______(取得成功的关键) everything you do.
  2_____________(现在人们普遍承认) computers play very important roles in people’s daily lives. 
  3 I’d like to buy a Rolls-Royce, but it___________ (极其昂贵).
  4. ______you work (越刻苦),________(进步越大) you will make. 
  5. _______you have (无论什么理由), you should______ (履行) your promise.
  6. Those who disagreed with the director’s viewpoint _____(慢慢地被排挤出公司).
  7. Many youngsters ___________(胸怀大志) become as successful as Bill Gates.
  8. The weather forecast says that it’s so hot today it___________ (倾盆大雨).
  9. Please complete the form and send it to us, _______(信封里放一张近照).
  10. The little boy found _____(惊讶地) that he worked out the math problem _________(独自).
  Unit 1
  1—5 AACBA6—10 BADAC
  11—15 CDBCD16—20 AADBA
  1. under ... pressure
  2. coming with
  3. cleared up
  4. go about
  5. in general
  6. takes pleasure in
  7. think about
  8. sent in
  9. In contrast
  10. correspond with
  1. is suited to / is suitable for
  2. what to do with / how to deal with
  3. with his hands tied
  4. In reality
  5. gain weight / put on weight
  6. As / Being a fashion designer
  7. doing scientific research in chemicals
  8. stop thinking about computer games
  9. have male teachers is that
  10. that only a few actors are successful
  Unit 2
  1—5 CCDAB6—10 CACAA
  11—15 DBCCA16—20 DBCAC 
  1. look ... in the eye
  2. quaked with fear
  3. as soon as
  4. following up
  5. off the top of your head
  6. Even if
  7. as well as
  8. makes a difference
  9. nodded her head
  10. having butterflies in your stomach
  1. the key to being successful in
  2. It is now widely accepted that
  3. costs an arm and a leg
  4. The harder, the greater progress
  5. Whatever reasons; carry out
  6. were gradually edged out of the company
  7. have ambitions to
  8. will rain cats and dogs
  9. enclosing a recent photograph
  10. in surprise; on his own
[原文]  血 债  曹德权  (1)西迈的爹是下午赶到学院的。这地方很大,高墙内到处都是高楼,院内道路纵横交错,绿树成行。西迈爹一下就傻了眼,打听了许多人,都说不出他儿子在哪座楼。人家问他儿子是哪个系哪个班的,他也说不出。瞎转悠了好半天,他才想起身上带着儿子的信壳儿,就赶忙找出来问人,费了九牛二虎之力,才找到了西迈上课的地点。  (2)西迈想不到爹会赶到学校,望着满头大汗的爹就埋怨说:“你要来
一、考情剖析  近3年江苏高考阅读理解题命题特点、规律及命题趋势如下:  1.体裁多样,有记叙文、说明文、议论文等。所选材料语言地道而且内容丰富、真实、贴近学生的学习和生活、有很强的时代气息。  2.阅读理解所选文章长度加大,试题信息量大,这就要求学生必须提高阅读速度和快速处理信息的能力。  3.阅读理解题目设置要求较高,归纳总结之类的题较多,这类题的答案并不在某一句话或某一段落中,学生需要耐心阅
三角函数和平面向量这两部分内容不仅互相渗透,它们也和其它数学分支进行融合,成为解决数学问题的工具,因此历年来它们都是高考的的重点内容.  一、三角函数  三角函数除了具有一般函数的各种性质外,它的周期性和独特的对称性,再加上系统的丰富的三角公式,使其产生的各种问题丰富多彩,层次分明,变化多端,围绕三角函数的考题总是以新颖的形式出现,在高考试题中占据重要的位置,成为高考命题的热点.近几年来高考从三角
一、知识整合  1.解决数学问题时,常遇到一些问题直接求解较为困难,通过观察、分析、类比、联想等思维过程,选择运用恰当的数学方法进行变换,将原问题转化为一个新问题(相对来说,对自己较熟悉的问题),通过新问题的求解,达到解决原问题的目的,这一思想方法我们称之为“化归与转化的思想方法”.  2.化归与转化思想的实质是揭示联系,实现转化.除极简单的数学问题外,每个数学问题的解决都是通过转化为已知的问题实
原 文  所有城市都在怀念乡村  文/王安忆  城市的人在一个抽象的世界里生活。他们吃粮,不是到田里去播种,然后收获,而是到居住地区所属的粮店,凭了计划粮卡去买;他们吃菜,也不是到院子里去摘,而是到菜市场去买。他们劳动,是在经过社会化综合与分工的流水线上的某一点,重复着某一动作,直至终生。他们得到的报酬,是将物质概括化了的货币,然后他们去各种分类的商店购买生存所需要的东西。他们的生产与消费,已
2012年高考江苏卷论述类文本阅读材料是英国作家伍尔芙的《笑的价值》,难度不大,且与往年一样,在试题设置上也有很多的相似点。下面,简要分析之。  [试题呈现]  阅读下面的文章,完成15~17题。  笑的价值  [英] 伍尔芙  (1)有一些事物,是在语言之外却又不亚于语言的,笑,便是其中之一。因为,笑尽管没有言辞,却是除人以外任何动物都发不出来的。一只狗,躺卧在炉前地毯上,因痛哭而呜咽,或因欢乐
“命题作文”的题目,有时不是一个词,而是由两个或两个以上的词构成的短语(词组),甚至是句子。面对这种类型的作文题目时,我们要学会切(qiē)题。只有切题,才能写出切(qiè)合题意的作文来,才能获取高分,否则只能在45分(满分70分)上下徘徊。  所谓切题,就是把作文题切成一个个最小的能独立运用的语言单位,即切成一个个的词。下面以作文题“听话”为例谈谈具体的做法。  先看作文题:  阅读下面
古代诗歌的表达技巧多种多样,概括起来说大致分以下几类:  一、运用表达方式的技巧  在现代作品中,基本的表达方式有叙述、描写、说明、议论、抒情等。在古诗中主要有描写、抒情两类。  1.描写  描写,有正面描写和侧面描写之别。  正面描写。直接对人物的肖像、语言、行动、心理、环境、气氛等进行描绘,称为正面描写,又叫直接描写。正面描写可使读者直接感受人物的言谈举止、仪表风貌、个性习惯以及环境
应用弧长公式l=αr和扇形面积公式S=12αr2来解决实际问题,这既充分体现了弧度制在运算上的优越性,又能帮助我们加深对弧度制概念的理解.下面对弧度制下的扇形问题加以例析.  一、求扇形的圆心角  例1 已知扇形的周长为10 cm,面积为4 cm2,求扇形圆心角的弧度数.  分析:利用周长和面积列出两个方程,可求出半径,进而得到圆心角的弧度数.  解:设扇形圆心角的弧度数为θ(
A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.  The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went