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在股市交易中,掌握了股票知识,懂得了股票交易技巧,无疑就能创造更多的获利机会,且看成功的炒家是如何运用股票交易技巧圆了发财梦的。至于新手、笨手或净输家是否一用就灵,那就要看他们是否会用、巧用、妙用了。 熊市中“扒份”经 早在1986年上海发行飞东股票时,有位C君就领风气之先,成了大上海第一批股民。经历了长时间的停滞,上海股票终于从跑道上起飞了,凭手中的原始股,他狠狠地赚了一笔。但他承认,那是趁大多数上海人睡大觉时赚的稳当钱,算不了什么真本事。真正让他大显身手,是在上海三次股市大跌之时。“牛市”人人都能赚钱,而在“熊市”中“扒份”才是真本事。C君信奉一个信条;危难见英雄,熊市练股民。可以说,他是小本入市却又运转自如的股海弄潮儿。 上海股市出现熊市,早就在他预料之中。1992年5月,上海股市取消涨停板制,放开股价,老股新股互相攀比,涨势如潮,猛得很,一天功夫就上涨30—40%。在众 In stock market trading, having stock knowledge and know-how in stock trading will undoubtedly create more profit opportunities and see how successful speculators use stock trading techniques to make a fortune. As for the novice, the clumsy or the net loser whether they use one for the soul, it depends on whether they will use, clever use, magical effect. Bear market in the “Grilled” As early as the 1986 Shanghai Flying East shares issued, a C Jun on the leading trend, became the first large Shanghai investors. After a long period of stagnation, Shanghai stock finally took off from the runway. With the original stock in hand, he made a fierce profit. But he acknowledged that it was nothing really good while the majority of people in Shanghai slept. Really let him show off his skill, is in Shanghai three times when the stock market crash. Everyone in the “bull market” can make money, but in the “bear market,” a “pickle” is a real skill. C Jun believe in a credo; distress see the hero, the bear market practice investors. It can be said that he is a small but easy-going into the market shares of the sea tide children. A bear market in the Shanghai stock market has long been expected by him. May 1992, the Shanghai stock market canceled the daily limit system, let the stock price, the old shares of new shares to compete with each other, gains rage, fierce very, one day Kung Fu rose 30-40%. In the crowd
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