A Study on Inhibitors for the Prevention of Hydrate Formation in Gas Transmission Pipeline

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheng_oooo
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Gas Hydrate is usually formed during the transportation and treatment of oil and gas, resulting in the plugging of gas pipeline and equipment. Three thermodynamic calculation formulas are analyzed to deal with this problem. The lowering of the freezing point of the inhibitors AT is used to calculate the formation temperature of natural gas hydrates. This is considered to be a good approach because it is not limited by what kind and what concentration of inhibitors one uses. Besides, the rate of lowering of the freezing point could be easily measured. The result of testing methanol and mono-ethylene glycol in a reactor shows that adding 10% inhibitors to the reactor can prevent the hydrates formation. Kinetic inhibitors are favored in the present research. They are divided into two types, polymer and surface-active agents. Their characteristics, mechanisms, and application prospect are separately discussed. Polymer inhibitors exhibit better efficiency. The result of field application of VC-713 inhibiter is also given in this article. In practice, the combination of thermodynamic inhibitors and kinetic inhibitors gives better result. Gas Hydrate is usually formed during the transportation and treatment of oil and gas, resulting in the plugging of gas pipeline and equipment. Three thermodynamic calculation formulas are analyzed to deal with this problem. The lowering of the freezing point of the inhibitors AT is used to calculate the formation temperature of natural gas hydrates. This is considered to be a good example because it is not limited by what kind and what concentration of inhibitors one uses. of testing methanol and mono-ethylene glycol in a reactor shows that adding 10% inhibitors to the reactor can prevent the hydrates formation. They are divided into two types, polymer and surface-active agents. characteristics, mechanisms, and application prospect are separately discussed. Polymer inhibitors exhibit better better. The result of field application of VC-713 inhibiter is also given in this article. In practice, the combination of thermodynamic inhibitors and kinetic inhibitors gives better result.
摘 要:由于传统的高校在机电专业数控技术的课程教学中,有重理论轻实践的倾向,使得教学的理论与应用联系不够紧密,学生的动手能力普遍不强,因此对于实践教学模式的改革是提高学生工程素质和实践动手能力的必然举措。以下是对于数控技术课程实践教学模式的改革研究。  关键词:数控技术课程;实践教学改革  数控技术是一门新兴的学科,是数控类专业必修的专业基础课程,这一课程的教学目标是掌握典型的数控系统的应用与操作
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