
来源 :农田水利与小水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cgrong
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淄博市临淄区位于淄博市东部,鲁中丘陵北缘。该区南部为丘陵,北为山前倾斜冲积平原。境内淄河、乌河等主要河流贯穿南北,面积667.58公里~2,人口51.7万,其中农业人口38.6万。由于地理和地质条件较好,该区地下水资源丰富,水质良好,历史上曾是林茂粮丰各业兴旺的富饶之乡。 Linzi District of Zibo City is located in the eastern part of Zibo City, north of Luzhong hills. The southern part of the area is hills, and the north is the front alluvial plain. The territory of the main rivers such as Zihe River and Wuhe River run through the north and south with an area of ​​667.58 km2 and a population of 516,000, of which agricultural population is 386,000. Due to its good geographical and geological conditions, the area is rich in groundwater and has a good water quality. Historically, it was once the thriving hometown of Linmao grain and flourishing industry.
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