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不久前关于如何看待影视剧引进的问题,展开了探讨。想就此问题略述个人的一点浅见。仅就前一时期由中央电视台播出的国外影视译制片看,其中确有一些好的和比较好的,受到广大观众的赞许。比如,由三十年代美国著名童星秀兰·邓波儿主演的《小叛逆》、《明亮的眼睛》、《小上校》等,它们不仅思想内容健康,歌颂了真、善、美的品德情操,而且塑造了几个天真可爱,淳朴聪慧的小女孩形象,给观众留下深刻印象。虽然这已是几十年前的老影片,然而它反映的主题思想对今天仍不失启迪作用,尤其邓波儿的精湛演技更给观众带来莫大的艺 Not long ago on how to view the issue of the introduction of film and television, launched a discussion. I would like to give a brief account of the individual on this issue. Only on the previous period by the CCTV broadcast of foreign film and television translation, which does have some good and better, by the majority of the audience’s approval. For example, “Little Rebellion,” “Bright Eyes,” “Little Colonel,” starring Saudin Dunpo, a famous American star child in the 1930s, not only have healthy mental content but also praise the moral sentiments of truth, goodness and beauty, And created a few innocent and lovely, honest and intelligent girl image, impressed the audience. Although this is an old film from a few decades ago, the theme ideology it reflects still lays the inspiration for today. In particular, Deng Bo’er’s superb acting skills bring more entertainment to the audience
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中国会计学会会计基础理论专业委员会定于2009年5月16~17日在清华大学召开“首届会计理论专题学术研讨会”。本届研讨会主题为“公允价值与会计稳健性”。会议 China Account
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