Ocean Disaster Reduction and Sustainable Development in the Region around Bohai Sea

来源 :Natural Disaster Reduction in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ocean901024
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With the high speed development of the marine economy in the region around the Bohai Sea, a series of disasters that are mainly caused or aggravated by human factors have occurred. They are the severe environment pollution of partial marine area, salt water intrusion, coastal erosion, red tide, land surface subsidence, etc.. These human caused ocean disasters as well as natural ocean disasters that are mainly caused by natural factors, such as typhon, windstorm agitation, sea ice, etc., will influence and restrict the sustainable development of the marine resources and environment in this region. In this paper, their characteristics, causes and effects on the sustainable development of the Bohai region are discussed. In order to reduce the ocean disaster and to guarantee the sustainable development of the Bohai region, some countermeasures are suggested. A comprehensive exploitation plan of the Bohai Sea should be prerequisite. The management of the development of the Bohai region should be improved. The protection and renovation of the ocean environment should be strengthened. The construction of coastal engineering projects should be speeded up. With the high speed development of the marine economy in the region around the Bohai Sea, a series of disasters that are mainly caused or aggravated by human factors have occurred. They are severe environments pollution of partial marine area, salt water intrusion, coastal erosion , red tide, land surface subsidence, etc .. These human caused ocean disasters as well as natural ocean disasters that are mainly caused by natural factors, such as typhon, windstorm agitation, sea ice, etc., will influence and restrict the sustainable development of the marine resources and environment in this region. In this paper, their characteristics, causes and effects on the sustainable development of the Bohai region are discussed. In order to reduce the ocean disaster and to guarantee the sustainable development of the Bohai region, some countermeasures are suggested. A comprehensive exploitation plan of the Bohai Sea should be prerequisite. The management of the development of the Bohai region The protection of the ocean environment should be strengthened. The construction of coastal engineering projects should be speeded up.
摘 要  通过对现有的高中体育课堂教学模式的分析和归纳,从中可以发现我国现有的高中体育教学模式仍然存在着许多的问题,从教学方法、教学内容、教学目标以及师生关系来看都还有一些不足之处。针对这种现象,开始有人提出了对高中体育课堂进行优化改革的问题,即构建高中现代体育教学模式的新理念。  【关键词】高中现代体育;教学模式;新理念  随着社会的进步和时代的发展,教育事业也在不断发生着改变,在经济基础得到满
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