
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxs
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我辅导区某初级小学校,过去是民办小学,自从政府接办以来,该校学生逐渐增加,由二十多人增到四十多人。群众办学热情也很高,真是朝气蓬勃。上学期劳动教育贯彻以后,学生数就逐渐少了,缺课现象也特别多。原因何在,据我的了解主要是该校钱老师在劳动教育上存在着问题。去年暑假前某日上午,我去做辅导工作,不见学校里有一个学生,心里好生奇怪,连忙问钱老师,“学生怎么还没有来?”她说:“刚才天起暴,我叫他们回去抢暴雨了。让他们帮助爸妈做一些事情,好养成爱军动的习惯。” My primary guidance primary school district, in the past is a private primary school, since the government took over the school students gradually increased from 20 to 40 people. The enthusiasm of the masses to run school is also very high, really vibrant. After the implementation of labor education in the last semester, the number of students is gradually reduced, and the number of absentees is also extremely high. What is the reason, as far as I understand it is mainly because there are problems in the labor education of money teachers in this school. One morning before the summer vacation last year, I went to work as a counselor, but I did not see a student in my school. My heart was so weird that I immediately asked for money. “How have students not come yet?” She said: “I just started the storm and I told them to go back Let them help parents and parents to do some things and cultivate the habit of loving the army. ”
A The crow is an ordinary bird. It is about twenty inches long and black all over. Crows are dirty birds because they live on old bed food. Crows eat a lot of w
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慢性疾病有傅染性的和非傅染性的;两者对少年儿童身体健康都有不良影响,我们应加强这方面的卫生教育,使少年儿童懂得预防的方法。一、傅染性的慢性病 Chronic diseases are