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[目的]观察半夏泻心汤联合西药治疗胃炎疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将112例住院及门诊患者按抛硬币法分为两组。对照组50例西药治疗,阿莫西林,0.5g/次,3次/d,口服;奥美拉唑,20mg/次,2次/d,口服。治疗组62例半夏泻心汤(半夏、黄芩、人参各10g,干姜6g,大枣8枚,甘草炙6g;嗳气吞酸加白术10g,龙骨、牡蛎各20g;严重疼痛加木香6g,香附8g,郁金香10g;严重呕吐加吴茱萸6g,代赭石25g;腹胀郁闷加莱菔子15g,佛手10g;积食症状加神曲20g,枳壳、布渣叶各15g;腹痛合并消化不良加山楂、木香各10g,神曲15g),1剂/d,500mL水煎至100mL,取汁;再加水500mL煎至250mL,2次药汁混合,3次/d,餐前30min口服;西药治疗同对照组。连续治疗90d为1疗程。观测临床症状、胃黏膜状况、不良反应。治疗1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治疗组痊愈33例,显效26例,有效2例,无效1例,总有效率98.39%。对照组痊愈20例,显效11例,有效9例,无效10例,总有效率80.00%。治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]半夏泻心汤联合西药治疗胃炎效果显著,值得推广。 [Objective] To observe the efficacy of Banxiaxiexin Decoction combined with Western medicine in treating gastritis. [Methods] Using randomized parallel control method, 112 inpatients and outpatients were divided into two groups according to the coin tossing method. The control group of 50 cases of Western medicine, amoxicillin, 0.5g / time, 3 times / d, orally; omeprazole, 20mg / time, 2 times / d, orally. The treatment group, 62 cases of Banxiaxiexin soup (Pinellia, Scutellaria, ginseng 10g, ginger 6g, jujube 8, licorice Sunburn 6g; 嗳 gas swallowing acid plus Atractylodes 10g, keel, oyster each 20g; severe pain plus wood 6g, Cyperus rotundus 8g, tulip 10g; severe vomiting and Evodia 6g, on behalf of the ocher 25g; bloating depressed Bullacta 15g, bergamot 10g; pica symptoms plus Divine Comedy 20g, Citrus aurantium, cloth residue leaves the 15g; abdominal pain combined with indigestion plus hawthorn , Woody 10g, Divine Comedy 15g), 1 / d, 500mL decoction to 100mL, juice; add water 500mL fry until 250mL, 2 times mixing juice, 3 times / d, 30min before meals oral; Control group. Continuous treatment of 90d for a course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms, gastric mucosal status, adverse reactions. Treatment of a course of treatment to determine the efficacy. [Results] The treatment group cured 33 cases, markedly effective in 26 cases, effective in 2 cases, ineffective in 1 case, the total effective rate was 98.39%. In the control group, 20 cases were cured, 11 cases were markedly effective, 9 cases were effective, 10 cases were ineffective and the total effective rate was 80.00%. The treatment group was better than the control group (P <0.05). [Conclusion] Banxiaxiexin Decoction combined with western medicine has significant effect on treating gastritis and is worth popularizing.
辅助生殖技术(assisted reproductive technology,ART)是目前治疗不孕不育的重要手段,但长期以来临床上一直受到胚胎种植率低、妊娠后流产率高的困 Assisted reproductive t
文章简要介绍了Teen second life的发展和应用情况,在调研Teen second life图书馆提供的传统和新式服务的基础上,如参考咨询、阅读讨论、艺术表演、开设各种课程、出版图书等
1临床资料患儿女,5岁。面部出现米粒至绿豆大黄白色水疱伴瘙痒2d。3d前,无明显诱因患者出现发热,T 38.5℃,2d前,退热后面部出现米粒至绿豆大黄白色水疱,并逐渐增多,累及口周