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地处祖国西南边疆的西双版纳傣族自治州,自改革开放以来,经济有了大幅度的增长,特别是进入90年代,随着旅游产业的兴起,边境贸易成几倍、几十倍的增长。1999年全州边贸总值比边贸发展初期的1985年增长78.1倍。近十年来边境贸易已成为西双版纳州经济发展的一大特色,边贸促进了边疆经济多层次发展。作为具有区位优势的西双版纳,边境贸易的发展是其他产业所不能替代的。目前随着国家综合实力的不断增强,我国“入世”已成为朝夕之事。为此,人们谈论的焦点话题是中国加入WTO后,边贸向何处去?有人认为:中国一旦加入世贸组织后,西双版纳边境贸易小打小闹的没有市场了,真 Since the reform and opening up, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, located in the southwestern frontier of the motherland, has witnessed a substantial economic growth. Especially in the 1990s, along with the rise of the tourism industry, the border trade has grown several times and tens of times. In 1999, the total state-to-state border trade increased 78.1 times from 1985 in the initial period of border trade. Border trade has become a major feature of economic development in Xishuangbanna over the past decade. Border trade has promoted the multi-level development of border economy. As a location advantage of Xishuangbanna, the development of border trade can not be replaced by other industries. At present, with the continuous enhancement of the overall national strength, China has become a matter of day and night after its accession to the WTO. To this end, people are talking about the focal topic is China’s accession to the WTO, the border trade where to go? Some people think: once China joins the WTO, the border trade in Xishuangbanna slaughtered there is no market really
为了解决用连铸坯直接轧制的大规格高碳钢线材易脆断、性能偏低问题 ,进行了试验研究 ,通过成分分析、金相组织检验、硬度测试等方式 ,分析了影响线材质量的原因 ,并在生产中
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本文分析了 2 0 0 2年重庆经济运行状况、特征以及存在的问题 ,对 2 0 0 3年重庆经济发展趋势进行了预测和展望 ,并提出了具体的建议与对策。 This article analyzes the ec