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新课程强调:“课程的学习活动方式以理解、体验、反思、探究、创造为根本。”反思,就是多层次、多角度地对问题及解决问题的思维过程进行全面的再考察、再分析和再思考,是学生对自己的思维过程、思维结果进行再认识和检验的过程。反思在语文教学过程中具有重要的地位和作用,是语文学习的动力和核心。语文反思的形式和内容有多种,解题错因反思就是其中极为重要的一种。一、学生的语文阅读解题现状现代文阅读历来是教学和考查的重点,可在每次考试中,现代文阅读理解题的得分率却又是最低的。 The new curriculum emphasizes: “The learning activities of the curriculum are based on understanding, experiencing, reflecting, exploring, and creating.” Reflection is a comprehensive re-examination of the thinking process of problems and problem solving in multiple levels and angles. Analysis and rethinking are the process of students’ re-understanding and testing of their thinking processes and their thinking results. Reflection plays an important role and role in the process of Chinese teaching and is the driving force and core of language learning. There are many forms and contents of language reflection, problem solving is the most important one because of reflection. First, the students’ reading problems in reading the status quo of modern text reading has always been the focus of teaching and examinations, but in each test, modern reading comprehension questions scoring rate is the lowest.
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Objective To characterize a possible retention function of unique sequence in the 5’end of rat testis GABAA receptor β3t splicing variant Methods Rat testis G
朱熹在品评艺术作品时秉承“观乎德性”的艺术价值批评观,如他在品评书法、绘画、音乐时都脱离不了对“德性”的挖掘,强调其德性价值的一面,但其文艺批评观对南宋的影响,后世的创作主体对于“德性”修养的重视,以及对文艺作品格调的提高具有重要的推动作用。  中国艺术批评历来受政教文化的影响,比较注重伦理道德的评价。以人论艺的艺术批评观念可谓源远流长,如孟子的“知人论世”、《文心雕龙》的“体性”篇等,对后人艺术
In this study,SiO_x films were deposited by a dielectric barrier discharge(DBD)plasma gun at an atmospheric pressure.The relationship of the film structures wi
本文就白蛋白微球的性质,靶向作用机理及体内研究的现状作了论述。 In this paper, the properties of albumin microspheres, the targeting mechanism and in vivo studie
摘要:县域高中体育教学主要存在体育教学理念陈旧、教学硬件及软件不足、课程设置不科学、高中生对上体育课的积极性及主动性不高、学校的管理者对体育教学重视程度不够、教学方法和模式单一等现状,体育教育教学的改革主要从转变教学理念、优化教学方法及增加体育时尚体验教学方面入手。  关键词:高中体育教学 现状 时尚体验教学 教学改革  高中体育教学能明显提高高中生的身体健康水平,同时也可以大幅度减轻高中生的学习
AIM: To improve the specific activity of human phosphodiesterase 4A (PDE4A) expressed in yeast cell GL62 and investigate the effects of selective phosphodiester