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学习江泽民总书记关于“三个代表”重要思想的论述,坚持以人才工作统揽全局,有利于我们认清人事部门在党的工作大局中所处的位置,找准我们的工作与经济建设的结合处和切入点。党的工作大局是以经济建设为中心,而区域经济建设、社会发展目前面临的最基本的问题是区域人才构成与区域发展战略——建设“双高区”(高品位的商业商务区、高品质的生活居住区)不相适应的矛盾。这个矛盾也就是部门和单位领导求得工作压力的突破口。 为破解这一矛盾,我们上海市静安区人事局的思路是:在区委的领导下,一方面以行政有形之手,加强组织领导,拓展机关和区属单位这一领域的中 Studying General Secretary Jiang Zemin's exposition on the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' persisting in using the work of personnel to take charge of the overall situation will help us understand clearly where the personnel department is located in the overall work of the party and identify the work we are doing and the economic construction. Combination and entry point. The overall work of the party is centered on economic construction, and the most basic issue currently facing the regional economic construction and social development is the composition of regional talents and the strategy of regional development - building a “double-high zone” (high-grade commercial and business district, high Quality of life in residential areas) do not meet the contradictions. This contradiction is also a breakthrough point for department and unit leaders in seeking work pressure. In order to solve this contradiction, the mentality of our Personnel Bureau of Jing'an District in Shanghai is: Under the leadership of the district party committee, on the one hand, with the help of the administrative hand, we should strengthen the organization and leadership and expand the scope of the organs and the subordinate units
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一、充分认识强力实施人才战略的现实性和必要性 第一,实施人才战略是迎接知识经济挑战的时代要求。 第二,实施人才战略是参与激烈人才竞争的迫切需要。 第三,实施人才战略是人
智力市场属于生产要素市场的范畴,是人才市场的衍生市场。青岛开发区于2000年10月建立全国首家智力市场,专门从事智力资源配置即智力及智力成果交易。 建立智力市场的必要性 人
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