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世界上年龄最小的母亲1939年4月的一天,一位印度女子走进秘鲁皮斯科医院,拉着一个身高还不到0.9m,梳着小辫子,腹部膨胀隆起的小女孩。印度妇女指着似乎生了重病的孩子,恳求医生救救她,当检查结果出来时,医生大吃了一惊,小女孩已经怀孕8个月了!一个半月 One of the youngest mothers in the world On the day of April 1939, an Indian woman walked into Pisco Hospital in Peru and took a little girl of less than 0.9m tall, with her dreadlocks and bulging abdomen. Indian women point to seemingly seriously ill children, begged doctors to help her, when the test results come out, the doctor was taken aback, the little girl has been pregnant for 8 months! A month and a half
瑜伽大师拉曼精通射箭技术。一天早上,他邀请他的得意门生来观看他展示射箭技术。两人走到一棵大橡树前面,拉曼取下一朵别在衣领上的玫瑰花,挂到树枝上。 Master Raman yoga
Background and Study Aims: There is conflicting evidence regarding the ability of open-access endoscopy to detect oesophageal and gastric cancers at an earlier
巢饮 一个人独自爬到树上好似鸟儿在巢穴里吃食品一样的独自去饮酒。囚饮 饮酒者自己披头散发,穿着破旧衣服,光着脚戴着刑具,将自己扮作一个囚徒去饮酒。鹤饮 饮完一杯酒后
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The most popular posts on the art-world Internet this month circulated around the escalating demolition of art districts in suburban Beijing,a topic that was ev
如今,好打扮的女士、小姐,喜欢描眉、画眼线。但是,笔者要提醒爱美的化妆族,不要忘了保护自己的一双眼睛。 Nowadays, well-dressed ladies and gentlemen, like Miaomiao,
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。点心@李文杰@赵英新 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Snack @ Li W