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11月15日,由上海市教育科学研究院主办、嘉定区教育局承办的2016年海峡两岸中小学教育学术研讨会在嘉定开幕。海峡两岸中小学教育学术研讨会自1997年在台湾嘉义大学(当时是师范学院)发端,每年一届,由上海市教育科学研究院和台湾嘉义大学轮流举办。今年在上海举办的是第二十届,两岸学术研讨会已成为一个连续的、具有一定规模和品质的学术盛会。在最初的六届,论坛侧重通过交流多方面了解两岸教育现状,从2003年的第七届开始,逐步聚焦教育学术,历届主题有资讯科 On November 15, the academic seminar on primary and middle schools for cross-Strait education hosted by Shanghai Academy of Education and Science and undertaken by the Jiading District Board of Education opened in Jiading. The Cross-Strait Symposium on Primary and Secondary Education started in 1997 at Chiayi University in Taiwan (at that time it was a normal college) and was held once a year by the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences and Taiwan’s Chiayi University. This year, the twentieth session was held in Shanghai. The cross-Strait Symposium has become a continuous academic event with a certain scale and quality. In the first six sessions, the forum focused on understanding the status quo of cross-Strait education in all aspects through exchanges. Starting from the seventh session in 2003, the forum gradually focused on education and academic studies. Its topics include information science
当铸件中氢的含量达到一定值时,其机械性能会严重降低,甚至产生氢脆,造成铸件报废。本文通过对铸件残余氢的对比分析,得出了铸件最佳去氢热处理工艺。 When the hydrogen co
一、前言 国内大多数生产厂,在双极型器件生产中都采用了三氯氧磷合金工艺,多年来稳定用于生产,它在改善击穿,减小反向,提高器件成品率和稳定性上起了重要作用,磷硅玻璃(PSG
目的 :探讨内耳自身免疫性病理因素在迟发性膜迷路积水 (DEH)发病中的作用。方法 :对 2 6例 (同侧性 1 9例 ,对侧性 7例 )DEH患者行临床观察、听觉功能测试、免疫学试验 ;并
众所周知,半导体器件和集成电路的成品率和优品率与外延层的质量密切相关,但氧化感生层错和外延堆垛层错却会严重影响外延层的质量。为此外国科学家及有关部门 It is well-
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