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  Host: Reforms to the National College Entrance Exam or “gaokao” are to be carried out in major cities in China, including Beijing. But this includes a 1)reworking of the weightage of some subjects including English and Chinese. Our reporter Su Yuting takes a look at the reform in Beijing and what the public thinks about the change.
  Sun Yuting: The English language 2)assessment system is the major focus of the change. According to the timetable of Beijing’s education system reform plan, from 2016, the scores for English in the Beijing College Entrance Examination will be reduced to 100 points from the previous 150 points. Of the 100, the scores for listening ability will increase to 30 points.
  And for Chinese, the total scores will increase from 150 points to 180 points. Some say the English testing system in China needs to change as it puts too much emphasis on high marks and ignores the development of student’s comprehensive language capabilities.
  Li Yi (spokesman for Beijing Municipal Education Commission): We don’t want students to devote too much time to the repetitive learning of English grammar. This kind of learning process makes students weaker in their spoken and listening ability. That means the English education method and the entire structure of assessment programs need systematic reforms.
  Sun: The Beijing reform plan notes that reducing the scores for English does not mean lowering the importance of the language. Instead, it intends to highlight its practical application. People though, have different opinions towards the reform.
  Parent 1: Starting from the first grade, my child has taken extra classes in English besides learning at school.
  Parent 2: It’s necessary to give people the chance to make their own decision. If someone thinks [sic] it’s important to learn English, they can spend time and energy on that. But others can choose not to learn English if they think it’s not that important.
  Sun: The reforms in the National College Entrance Examination or “gaokao” aim to balance the English language ability with essential knowledge of Chinese. The aim is that with the new weightage in marks for English, Chinese students will be able to strike that balance on their way to further education.


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