Part 2 A Business Trip to New Zealand

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  Christopher: Hey Kiki, I heard you were heading to New Zealand this summer.
  Kiki: You heard right. I got the go ahead to leave as soon as next week.
  Christopher: Wow, customs authorities must have fast-tracked your Visa procedures.
  Kiki: Well, I certainly didn’t think it would be quite as easy as it turned out to be.
  Christopher: So what kind of Visa did you get exactly?
  Kiki: It’s called a Working Holiday Visa.
  Christopher: Never heard of it. Care to 1)elaborate? Kiki: Sure. It’s pretty much a golden ticket, allowing travelers to work in any number of countries.
  Christopher: So, you’re basically gonna be working the whole time you’re there? ①Doesn’t working on your holiday sort of defeat the purpose?
  Kiki: Not entirely. Yes I’ll be working, ②but there’ll be plenty of my time for sightseeing and the like. It’s actually a great way to get to know a place while topping up your funds at the same time.
  Christopher: I think I get the drift. When you have no money, you work for a while to make some extra 2)moolah. And after that, you can continue your journey again. ③Am I on the right track?
  Kiki: Yeah! Working holidays are growing in popularity these days, with more and more people taking the chance to experience a different lifestyle, while exploring new places and cultures.
  Christopher: It must be nice to do something that’s out of the ordinary, ④especially for those who feel stuck in the 3)doldrums of day-to-day life.
  Kiki: I agree 4)wholeheartedly. Just think about it—twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you actually did.
  Christopher: But for some people, such as myself, ⑤it’s hard to go out on a limb like that and risk everything on a whim.
  Kiki: Well, I believe it was Franklin Delano Rosevelt who said, in his famous 5)inauguration speech, that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself…”
  Christopher: Um…I fear going bankrupt and not being able to survive.
  Kiki: Then you should 6)jump at one of the many employment opportunities being offered overseas. Compared to the American market, many overseas economies are booming.⑥And other countries are always on the lookout for foreign talent.
  Christopher: But I’m not exactly talented, 7)per se.
  Kiki: That doesn’t matter. You have a 8)built-in quality, because you are different from the native people of another country. Didn’t you ever notice how 9)exotic New Zealanders and Australians sound to us here in the U.S.?   Christopher: Yeah, ⑦the ladies fall head over heels for those accents.
  Kiki: Well, just imagine how you must sound to all of them. To them, you would be the 10)intriguing foreigner with the sexy accent.
  Christopher: That would be a welcome change. I’m practically invisible here.
  Kiki: So you might as well go out, expand your horizons, and leave this boring office life behind.
  Christopher: Hmmm…You’ve certainly given me some 11)food for thought…
  Smart Sentences① Doesn’t working on your holiday sort of defeat the purpose? 假期都用来打工不就有点违背了假期的初衷吗?
  defeat the purpose: sth. goes against the purpose; pointless(起不了作用,没有意义)。例如:
  If I tell you how to use the self-help system, it will defeat the purpose.
  ② But there’ll be plenty of my time for sightseeing and the like. 但我还有大把时间去观光之类的。
  and the like: used to indicate there are other similar things as mentioned(等等,诸如此类)。例如:
  They read prose, recite poems, and the like.
  ③ Am I on the right track? 我说得对吗?
  on the right track: act or progress in a way that is likely to result in success(方向正确)。例如:I believe Tony was on the right track when he said he would quit drinking and try to find a part-time job.
  ④ Especially for those who feel stuck in the doldrums of day-to-day life. 特别是对于那些陷于日复一日的苦闷生活的人们。
  day-to-day: every day(日复一日,天天)。例如:
  It’s important that we find pleasures in our day-to-day lives.
  ⑤ It’s hard to go out on a limb like that and risk everything on a whim. 很难像那样不顾一切一时兴起去冒险。
  out on a limb: do sth. even though it’s risky or extreme(冒险)。例如:
  Gerry decided to go out on a limb and take the job in Zambia.
  on a whim: do sth. without thinking seriously about the consequences(一时兴致,不计后果)。例如:
  Mary and I decided, on a whim, to go hiking through the Grand Canyon.
  ⑥ And other countries are always on the lookout for foreign talent. 而别的国家总是在寻找海外人才。
  on the lookout (for sb. or sth.): watchful for sb. or sth.(关注,寻找)。例如:
  Prof. Jefferson is currently on the lookout for research assistants for his new project.
  ⑦ The ladies fall head over heels for those accents. 女士们无可救药地爱上了他们的口音。
  fall head over heels: completely and hopelessly in love(爱得很深)。例如:
  When she first laid eyes on the cute little bunny, she fell head over heels for it.

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