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前不久,“阿里巴巴”网站总裁马云在杭州举行的校园招聘宣讲会上明确地对大学应届毕业生们表示,“我不鼓励大学生创业”。马云说,现在许多年轻人太浮躁,个个都想模仿比尔·盖茨、杨致远……他们不知道创业会历经各种困难,不知道什么冤枉倒霉的事情都可能发生,更不知道100个人创业,90个人失败,他们还不具备承受失败、挫折和委屈的抗击力。马云的这番话也许会让不少踌躇满志、正摩拳擦掌准备步其后尘的大学生泄气,但不可否认,这是一番良言。据统计,我国每年都有上百万的新企业诞生,其中一半的企业生存期不超过18个月,仅有20%能生存10年以上。这说明创业本身是有极大风险的。对市场把握不准、经营管理不善、资金不足均可 Not long ago, “Alibaba” website president Ma Yun held in Hangzhou campus recruitment lectures explicitly to college graduates that “I do not encourage college students to start.” Ma said that nowadays many young people are too impetuous and all want to mimic Bill Gates and Jerry Yang ... They do not know that entrepreneurship will go through various difficulties and may not know what is wrong or not. What is more, 100 people Venture, 90 people failed, they do not have to withstand the defeat, frustration and aggression resistance. Ma Yun’s remarks may make a lot of smug, are gearing up to prepare for the footsteps of college students discouraged, but it is undeniable that this is a good thing. According to statistics, millions of new enterprises are born each year in our country. Half of them live for no more than 18 months and only 20% can survive for more than 10 years. This shows that entrepreneurship itself is a great risk. Not sure of the market, poor management, lack of funds can be
在许多大规模并购交易中,供应链整合往往受轻视, 此乃大错经过几年的沉寂之后,并购市场再度火热。据《金融时报》报道, 2005年头5个星期,美国公告的并购交易金额就超过1500亿
目的探讨急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者血清高敏C反应蛋白(hs CRP)和氧化型低密度脂蛋白自身IgG(ox LDL-IgG)水平变化及其与ACS患者预后的相关性。方法分别采用夹心ELISA和间接ELI
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This study was conducted to verify the results of a preceding retrospective pilot study by means of a prospective controlled investigation including a larger sa