A Quiet Child 一个安静的小孩

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gouhs
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  There was once a child who was very quiet. Very different from other kids of her age, she spoke very few words and was quiet for most of the time, as if lost in some thought1.
  “My dear, why don’t you play in the streets with the other children? You will get bored2 sitting here all day long,” her mom asked.
  But she was never bored. The little child always likes to sit at one corner3 of her house quietly, making trouble4 to no body. When she grew up and she could go to school, she asked her mother to get her a book and let her learn at home. Then, her mother got a story book for her.
  “How can you read, my dear?” her mother said to her, “You have not got your lessons all.”
  But she was able to read at once without being taught. Day after day, she sat in the corner reading her books and thinking.
  When she grew up a little, she asked her mother to build a little room for her away from the house. Then she could study there and think without any disturbance5.
  A little room was soon built for her and the girl shut6 herself in there. Her mother often knocked7 on her door without getting any answer. She peeped8 through the keyhole9 to see whether she was all right. Then she would leave some food and water out the door and go away. She then found the bowls were emptied10.
  But one day, her mother found the food not eaten. She peeped through the hole and was surprised to find her child sitting there, reading her book. A little girl stood beside her and talked with her happily, and all kinds of animals were all over the little room.
  The mother didn’t know and was curious11 to know why her child could talk and smile12 suddenly13. Why didn’t she get along with other kids? And why were there many animals in the room? Where were they from? A lot of questions were in the mother’s mind, but she could’t ask her child.
  妈妈不知道为什么,也很好奇她的孩子为什么突然会又说又笑的。为什么她不和其他的孩子好好相处呢?为什么房间里会有这么多动物呢?它们从哪里来的?虽然心里充满了许多疑问,但是她不能去问孩子。   When many days went away, the child went out the room and was smiling. Just like another child. Her mother and many people did not know why and how. But, it really was a good change14.
  One day, her mother asked the girl,“Dear, I want to know...uhh...why you became outgoing15 suddenly. ”
  “Because one day, I read an interesting book and have a friend in it. She said to me, everyone can have a great life, and everyone should have friends so that your life can be the whole one. I found what I did in the past was not right because at that time, I thought I was all alone in the world and no one would love me. So I did not want to talk with others, but just stay with books.”
  After her daughter’s words, the mother thought that she gave little love to her and then hugged16 her. She said, “My dear, how can you think that? We are your parents and we will always love you.”
  From then on, the kind child was not alone and she has made many real friends.
  1. thought [
摘要:针对初中化学复习阶段习题课教学时学生学习主动性不高的现状,提出“课前问题预习导学──课堂小组合作学习探究和评价──课后问题拓展延伸”的教学模式,通过具体案例探讨小组合作学习模式的实施方法、步骤及实践意义。  关键词:初中化学;小组合作;合作学习;教学模式  文章编号:1008-0546(2016)01-0070-03 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.i
摘要:以“课题3溶液的浓度(第1课时)”为例,呈现“协进课堂”的设计理念,即基于学生为主体,调动各类积极教学因素相互协作,通过学生的主动参与进行解惑,在师生互动、生生合作探究中完成知识体系的构建。  关键词:学生主体;协进课堂;学习方式  文章编号:1008—0546(2016)07—0076-03  中图分类号:G633.8  文献标识码:B  doi:lO.3969/j.issn.1008—0
摘要:化学课堂教学的“以生为本”,不仅应该激起学生的主动参与以实现学习效度的提高,而且应该能很好地引导学生形成化学的基本观念。本文以“碳和碳的化合物复习课”教学为例,介绍了激发学生主动学习以及帮助他们强化观念建构的具体过程与方法。  关键词:初中化学复习课;主动参与学习;建构基本观念;架构“转化关系图”  文章编号:1008—0546(2016)07—0047—03  中图分类号:G633.8  
摘要:实验教学是初中生接触化学实验的重要载体,实验安全是化学实验教学顺利进行的保证。文章以“氧气的实验室制取与性质”一节内容为例,探讨了教学目标设置、教学过程设计和教学评价方案等方面适时、适度地渗透实验安全的方法,以期提高学生的化学实验安全意识,确保化学实验安全、顺利和健康地进行。  关键词:实验安全意识;教学目标设置;教学过程设计;实验方案评价  文章编号:1008-0546(2016)12-0
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摘要:对三节内容相同、感官所受刺激截然不同的课选取课堂导入、教学设计、教学机智和教师风格等进行了比较分析。  关键词:同课异构;课堂导入;教学设计;教学机智;教师风格  文章编号:1008-0546(2013)02-034-02 中图分类号:G632.41 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2013.02.013  笔者作为一名年轻的化学教师,有幸观摩了江
摘要:复习是化学教学不可缺少的环节,为提高复习教学的有效性,教师可根据实际情况放手让学生进行自主探究,将一节化学复习课设计成小组辩论赛的形式,给学生营造良好的学习氛围、有序的竞争环境,给学生提供展示能力的舞台,让学生在竞争中体验成功,在体验成功中自主快乐学习化学。  关键词:自主探究;合作学习;竞赛  文章编号:1008-0546(2012)11-0039-03 中图分类号:G633.8
陈传光 男,江苏省连云港市罗阳中学高级教师,从事教育工作逾15年。江苏省教育学会会员,连云港市优秀教育园丁,曾荣获英语专业技能大赛市一等奖,班主任基本功大赛市一等奖。有多篇论文在各主流和核心期刊上发表。指导学生在各类竞赛中取得了优异成绩,多人获得省级、地市级奖。  My school is very beautiful. There are lots of beautiful flowers an
摘要:利用体验式教学的方式设计并执教了苏教版《化学1》中关于“化学反应与能量”专题的一节理论课。通过设置合理的教学情境,从身边的化学现象引入课堂,再由课堂教学回归关注生活中真实的化学,激发学生的学习热情,鼓励学生合作创新实验设计,带领学生从感性认识逐步上升到理性分析,充分体现学生学习的主体性与教师教学的主导性,让学生深深地感受化学课堂的无限魅力。  关键词:体验式教学;主体性;教学实例  文章编号
Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. “Please God,” she said, “Make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy.”  Her mother interrupted and said, “Julie, why do you want God to mak