When the “Snake” Arrives in Life

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  Abstract Hailed as one of the founders of Australian literature, Henry Lawson creates many well-known short stories, of which The Drover’s Wife, depicting a courageous woman always ready to show her mettle when confronted with dangers and hardships in the Australian bush, is widely considered as the most successful one. Indeed, while reading the story, readers can strike a chord with the bush woman, a paragon of courage and perseverance.
  Key Words Henry Lawson “The Drover’s Wife”Women’s Role Courage
   “Bush all around”---only three simple words present a glimpse of the bleakness and sameness of the bush life. Through a series of decisive actions, Lawson presents readers the courage and fortitude of the bush woman in her dauntless fights against all the dangers, the ferocious snake being but one of them. Mark Twain once said, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear not absence of fear.” Truly, in face of dangers, some are beset with complaints, some deterred from taking actions, still some defeated by fear itself. In contrast, the bush woman just collects herself and shows her mettle. We should have the courage to change the things that we can, the serenity to accept the things we can not, and the wisdom to know the differences. When confronted with the bleakness and sameness of the environment, the drover’s wife does not complain about or chafe under the monotony. The bush woman, in face of harsh and lonely life, has to bury her girlish dreams in her heart of hearts.
   Truly, harsh is the bush life, yet harsher is the bush woman. She has killed the fierce snake, but many other “snakes” are just to come. Just like the bush woman, no body live in the absence of danger and fear, we may also meet the “snakes” in our own lives. When confronted with such fierce “snakes”, what should we do? Do not give up when there is still something to give---the drover’s wife gives courage and love instead of cowardice and complaint just as the Australia poetess Mary Gilmore expressed “never admit the pain, bury it deep. Only the weak complain, complain is cheap.”
摘 要 作文教学是高三语文教学的重要组成部分。本文先总结了历年高考作文题,分为三个类型:话题作文,材料作文,命题作文。然后指出各类题型的特点以及变化趋势。话题已经由前些年的词语过渡到短语句子,材料作文重点在故事寓言型和社会现象评论型,命题作文侧重于引导学生抒发真情实感。最后指出学生在作文写作中存在的普遍问题以及对策。  关键词 话题 材料 命题 立意    作文训练是高三备考工作中的重中之重,如果
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摘 要 随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,旅游文本的翻译日益引起人们的重视,然而文化空缺所带来的语言空缺和文化差异成为旅游文本翻译最大的障碍,译者在翻译过程中应充分辨识文本中的文化差异,采取不同的手法进行翻译。  关键词 旅游文本 语言功能 直译 意译 音译    旅游是一个民族文化特质的体现。由于社会、历史背景不同造成的文化空缺往往导致了语言空缺,使译者很难在目的语中找到与原语等值的词语。  在翻译过程中,
Abstract In the Curriculum Standards for English Course in Compulsory Education (CSECCE) issued in 2009, students are required to learn to speak and write to some certain level. Recent theories of Sec