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震后两周,中国普通民众对死难同胞的悲悯之情演变为企业界头顶的巨大压力,许多捐赠较少、行动较慢的企业遭到网民激烈的攻击。中国现代化百年进程行至今日,大部分民众的产权观念依旧淡漠,无法理解恪守西方商业伦理的跨国和本土精英们的行为,也不愿尊重全球化时代的商业游戏规则。这不是狭隘的民族主义表现,而是中国和西方价值观冲突的体现。跨国公司进入新中国30年来,尽管已经深深融入中国经济,对中国市场的认识、中国人消费习惯的把握有了丰富的经验,但对中国传统文化的理解还远远不够。说实话,国民本不应以捐钱的多少论英雄,但在现实语境下,又不得不以钱的多少排座次。这是一个矛盾,但矛盾里折射出来的,非国民之狭隘世界观,恰恰相反,它彰显出来的,是国民宽广的慈善心。这种慈善心一方面助推企业自觉主动承担社会责任,并最终获取国民认可;另一方面则反映了国民对企业承担社会责任的强烈期待。 Two weeks after the earthquake, the Chinese ordinary people’s sympathy for the compatriots of death has evolved into a huge pressure on the top of the business community. Many enterprises that donate less and act slowly have been subjected to fierce attacks by Internet users. In the 100 years of modernization of China, the concept of property rights of most people is still indifferent, and it is impossible to understand the behaviors of transnational and local elites who abide by Western business ethics, and they are unwilling to respect the rules of commercial games in the era of globalization. This is not a manifestation of narrow nationalism but a reflection of the conflict between Chinese and Western values. In the 30 years since the multinational corporations entered the new China, although they have deeply integrated into the Chinese economy, they have rich experience in understanding the Chinese market and grasping the Chinese people’s consumption habits, but their understanding of traditional Chinese culture is far from enough. To tell the truth, the people should not be talking about heroes on the basis of how much they donate, but in real-life context, they have to be ranked by the amount of money. This is a contradiction, but the contradictory reflection of the narrow world outlook of non-nationals is just the opposite. What it displays is the wide-ranging charity of the people. This philanthropy on the one hand helps enterprises take the initiative to undertake social responsibilities and ultimately obtain national recognition. On the other hand, it reflects the strong expectations of the people for corporate social responsibility.
1.噪声强弱的表示法每秒钟从噪声源辐射的声能量称为声功率 W(瓦),在一定距离的某处通过单位面积的声能量称为声强 I(瓦/米~2),并有下列关系式:W=I·S (1)式中 S——声波的
偶然:“我发现了一块‘风水宝地’”    一天去武汉郊区拜访一大学同学,我发现其工作地点是一块很有商业前景的“风水宝地”:尽管地处郊区一隅,却毗邻两所高校新修建的分校区,周围还有一个私立中学和一个闻名遐迩的度假村。可是,占尽地利之便的当地农民,除了坐收房租和拥有几个小酒店外,远没有把相关服务业做成气候。  同学是私立中学的校长助理,深受老总器重。对我的发现,他非常赞同,并一再声称要联合起来干一番事
从摩托罗拉跳到微软,再从微软到NBA。以在顶级跨国公司成功地“三级跳”而闻名的陈永正,可谓越跳越入“佳境”。 Jump from Microsoft to Microsoft, and from Microsoft to