
来源 :福建教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nbu_james
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寻求学校的特色化发展,必须先厘清特色学校的内涵和发展方向。黄家骅、陈俊英、沈玉婷三位老师立足于理论反思和学校实践,以特色诠释教育之美。学校特色是学校发展过程中富有活力、灵性、生气的表象。建设教育强国,要求我们培养千千万万勇于创新、善于创造的人才,这就必须把握教育发展的大局和趋势,立足教育发展的实际要求,清醒地意识到“应试教育”“千校一面”有悖于教育发展的目标和任务。学校特色化发展既是学校内涵提升的要求,也是推进学校现代化发展的重要抓手。因此,本文拟从学校特色化发展的内涵、外延等诸方面展开论述,探讨学校特色化发展的策略。 In order to seek the special development of the school, we must first clarify the connotation and development direction of the characteristic school. Huang Jiahua, Chen Junying, Shen Yuting three teachers based on theoretical reflection and school practice, with the characteristics of the interpretation of the beauty of education. School characteristics are the dynamic, spiritual and angry appearance in school development. To build an educational power requires us to cultivate tens of millions of people who are creative and creative and must grasp the overall situation and trend of educational development. Based on the actual requirements of educational development, we must be conscious of “exam-oriented education ” “thousand School side ”contrary to the goals and tasks of educational development. The characteristic development of schools is not only the requirement of enhancing the connotation of schools, but also the important starting point for promoting the modernization of schools. Therefore, this article intends to discuss the connotation and extension of the characteristic development of schools and discusses the strategies for the development of distinctive schools.
According to the surveys conducted at last September ’s exhibition, 66% of Tex world visitors value the eco-friendly ranges at the show while 72% of exhibitors
我是不会选择做一个普通人的。  如果我能够做到的话,我有权成为一位不寻常的人。我寻找机会,但我不寻求安稳,我不希望在国家的照顾下成为一名有保障的国民,那将被人瞧不起而使我感到痛苦不堪。  我要做有意义的冒险。  我要梦想,我要创造,我要失败,我也要成功。  我拒绝用刺激来换取施舍;  我宁愿向生活挑战,而不愿过有保证的生活;  宁愿要达到目的时的激动,而不愿要乌托邦式毫无生气的平静。  我不會拿我
F 蛋白是一种功能不明,分子量为44KDa 细胞浆蛋白质,主要存在肝脏,其它组织中含量甚微。由于该蛋白在肝细胞(浓度10~(-5)mol/L)和血清(浓度2.5×10~(-10)mol/L)之间浓度梯度