加强外国书刊资料引进工作 更好地为我国科技发展服务

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当今世界已进入信息时代,以书刊资料为主要载体的信息资源的开发和利用,已越来越为人们所重视。当代任何一个国家和地区,发展经济、繁荣科技文教事业,都离不开利用和借鉴外来的有用知识和经验,一些发达国家把图书情报与能源、材料并列为发展科学技术的三大支柱。例如,日本在战后就把引进外国先进科技资料作为一项国策,采用所谓“吸收战略”,大力引进美、英、西德等国的先进科技资料,加以消化、吸收、利用,使化工、电子、冶金等方面得到很快的发展,许多方面甚至超过了美、英、西德。许多发达国家,自70年代以来用于进口书刊资料的经费大幅度增加,就连许多发展中国家,尽管它们每年国民生产总值比较低,但它们进口书刊资料的数量都达到了相当规模。许多国家用于进口书刊资料的外汇都高于进口家用电器的用汇。 Nowadays, the world has entered the information age, and the exploitation and utilization of information resources with books and periodicals as the main carrier have drawn more and more attention. In any contemporary country and region, economic development and the prosperity of science and education are inseparable from the use and use of useful knowledge and experience from other countries. Some developed countries have listed library information, energy and materials as the three pillars of science and technology development. Japan, for example, took the introduction of advanced foreign scientific and technological information as a national policy after the war and adopted the so-called “absorption strategy” to vigorously introduce advanced scientific and technological materials from the United States, Britain and West Germany to digest, absorb and utilize chemical, Electronics, metallurgy and other aspects of rapid development, in many aspects even more than the United States, Britain and West Germany. In many developed countries, the funds for importing books and periodicals have increased substantially since the 1970s. Even many developing countries, despite their relatively low gross national product each year, have seen a considerable volume of their books and periodicals imported. In many countries, the foreign exchange used to import books and periodicals is higher than that of imported household appliances.
同学们在设计时, 注意强 调它的 外形美 观,让电话成为家中的新潮装饰。 Students in the design, pay attention to emphasize its beautiful appearance, maki
(一) 历时七天的第十一届亚洲遥感会议于一九九零年十一月十五日至二十一日在我国南方美丽的城市广州顺利召开,并在硕果累累的欢呼声中园满结束了。这次会议是至今为止在我
公司领导: 为更加彻底地替领导服好务,创造一个更优越的决策 环境,确保公司领导集中更多的精力谋大事办大事,促使办 公室工作在新世纪有个新姿态,公司办公室经过广泛论证 调
目的 了解Na2 SeO3 对小鼠IgG的影响 ,探讨其抗肿瘤免疫机制 .方法 通过用Na2 SeO3 腹腔注射和灌胃两种方式给入小鼠 ,2 0d后用全自动生化分析仪检测IgG的质量浓度 .结果 
铂电阻温度探测器(RTD)能在工业或实验室条件下实现温度的精密测量。通用的工业RTD 的准确度是热电偶的5~10倍,实验室用的精密度可达0.001℃。但是在订购、安装和应用时必须