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目的掌握忻州市农村居民生活饮用水水质卫生状况,为保障和制订农村居民饮水卫生安全措施提供科学依据。方法根据《2012年中央补助山西省公共卫生专项资金农村改水项目实施方案》要求,在项目县共选择108个村为监测点,每个监测点在枯水期和丰水期采集出厂水、末梢水各1份,依据《生活饮用水标准检验方法》和《生活饮用水卫生标准》进行检验和评价。结果共监测分析农村居民生活饮用水水样432份,每份检测23项指标。其中水样合格392份,不合格的40份;合格率为90.7%;不合格指标为氟化物、浑浊度、铁和pH,其余均符合卫生标准。定襄县与其他县的水质检测合格率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.14,P<0.01)。检测水质项目次数为9 936项次,合格项次数为9 896,总项目检测次数合格率为99.6%;其中:铁检测项次数合格率为99.5%,氟化物94.4%,浑浊度97.2%,pH值99.5%,其余指标检测项次数合格率均为100.0%。结论忻州市项目县农村生活饮用水水质状况基本良好,但部分区域氟化物、浑浊度、铁和pH值超标,需加强监督监测管理,以确保农村居民生活饮用水的卫生安全。 Objective To understand the sanitary status of drinking water quality of rural residents in Xinzhou City and provide scientific basis for the protection and formulation of health and safety measures for rural residents drinking water. Methods According to the requirements of the “2012 Central Subsidy Program for Rural Water Supply Improvement in Public Health”, a total of 108 villages were selected as the monitoring points in the project counties. Each monitoring point collected water from the factory and dry water during the dry season Each one, according to “drinking water standard test method” and “drinking water health standards” for testing and evaluation. Results A total of 432 rural drinking water samples were monitored and analyzed, with 23 indicators tested. Among them, 392 water samples were qualified and 40 were unqualified; the pass rate was 90.7%; the unqualified indicators were fluoride, turbidity, iron and pH, and the rest were in line with the hygiene standards. The qualified rate of water quality test in Dingxiang County and other counties was significantly different (χ2 = 15.14, P <0.01). The number of water quality test items was 9 936, the number of qualified items was 9 896 and the total number of test items was 99.6%. The passing rate of iron test items was 99.5%, fluoride 94.4%, turbidity 97.2%, pH Value of 99.5%, the remaining indicators of the number of test pass rate of 100.0%. Conclusion The water quality of rural drinking water in project counties in Xinzhou is basically good. However, fluoride, turbidity, iron and pH in some areas exceed the standard. Supervision, monitoring and management should be strengthened so as to ensure the hygiene and safety of rural residents drinking water.
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