
来源 :计量技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hamjh
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一、以量规的平均耐磨度制定周期影响量规使用寿命的因素很多,诸如量规的材料、精度、表面光洁度以及零件的材料、产量和表面光洁度等等有关,还和使用量规的技术熟练与否有关。但是,其中最主要的是量规的精度等级、磨损留量和零件的产量这三者。我们提出以量规的平均耐磨度作为制定检定周期的依据。所谓量规的平均耐磨度,就是量规每磨损1μm,平均可检验多少个零件的数值。设单个量规的通端的平均耐磨度为q,该量规在生产中使用时检验的零件数为m,量规极限磨损量(从开始使用到报废时的尺寸差)为δ,则有:q=m/δ(件/μm)(1) 令Q为同一精度等级n个量规的平均耐磨度,则有: 0=q_1+q_2+…+q_n/n=l/n(?)(2) 从实际工作的统计数,按式(2)可得出以件计的检定周期表(表1~3)和按天计的检定周期表(表4~6)。为了保证检定周期表的使用安全可靠,表 First, the average wear resistance of the gauge Development cycle affect the gauge life of many factors, such as the gauge material, accuracy, surface finish and parts of the material, yield and surface finish, etc., but also with the use of gauges of skilled or not related. However, the most important of these are the level of accuracy of gauges, the amount of wear and tear, and the production of parts. We propose to gauge the average wear resistance as the basis for the development of test cycles. The so-called gauge of the average wear resistance, is the gauge of each wear 1μm, the average number of parts to test the value. Suppose the average wear resistance of the through end of a single gauge is q, the number of parts to be inspected when used in production is m and the gauge wear limit (the dimensional difference from the start of use to end of life) is δ, then q = m / δ (pieces / μm) (1) Let Q be the average wear resistance of n gauges of the same accuracy class, then: 0 = q_1 + q_2 + ... + q_n / n = l / The actual work statistics, according to equation (2) can be obtained in pieces of the test period table (Table 1 ~ 3) and by the days of the test cycle table (Table 4-6). In order to ensure the use of test cycle table safe and reliable, the table
历史的脚步在跨越了农业社会、工业社会以后,已经跨入了后工业社会。知识经济给教育提出了新的要求.信息时代要求教育注重于学生主 The historical footsteps have crossed
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啊!世界上垃圾太多了,多到烧不完填不尽的地步,怎么办?别愁,到科学先锋擂台赛看看,那里一定会有你意想不到的好办法! Ah! There are too many junk in the world, and many