
来源 :国际贸易 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xilotola
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《中国入世议定书》(以下简称“入世议定书”)第5条规定的是贸易权,第6条规定的是state trading(国家垄断贸易)。这两个标题名称虽不相同,实际所涉及的都是国家垄断贸易的经营规则。 定义与汉译 现通行的入世议定书译本中,译为“国营贸易”的原外文词statetrading,是国际贸易业界的一个行话。它来源于西方自由市场经济国家,对某些敏感行业,即容易在市场 Article 5 of the Protocol to China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization (hereinafter referred to as the “Accession Protocol”) stipulates the right to trade and Article 6 states “state trading.” Although the titles of the two titles are not the same, what are actually involved are the operating rules of the state monopoly trade. Definition In the translation of the accession protocol, which is now in Chinese translation, the original foreign word statetrading translated as “State-owned Trade” is a jargon in the international trade community. It comes from the western free market economy countries, for some sensitive industries, that is easy in the market
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加入 WTO,中国市场双向开放 ,在带来无限商机的同时 ,各行各业都在不同程度上受到冲击 ,但首当其冲的莫过于包括批发企业、零售企业在内的分销服务业。据中国企业家调查系统
The occurrence of debris flow is affected by many factors.Risk zoning of debris flow plays a vital role in the early-warning and prediction of abrupt geological