
来源 :光电子学技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianxiangqiao
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在努力改善扭曲向列(TN)型显示的同时,在开发新型液晶技术方面做了大量工作.这种液晶技术对于大信息容量显示似乎潜力更大.本文叙述并比较了四种基本不同类型的可认为是最有希望的技术.它们是基于:——“超扭曲”效应——电控双折射(ECB)效应——铁电近晶型液晶——有源基板寻址.我们讨论了这些技术的主要优点和限制,并提及最新的成果. Much effort has been devoted to the development of twisted nematic (TN) displays in developing new liquid crystal technologies that appear to have greater potential for large information capacity displays.This paper describes and compares four basic different types of Can be considered as the most promising technology. They are based on: - Super Skew Effect - Electronically Controlled Birefringence (ECB) Effect - Ferroelectric Smectic Liquid Crystal - Active Substrate Addressing. The main advantages and limitations of these technologies are mentioned, as well as the latest achievements.
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下面这个故事,《乔布斯传》上没有,是Caleb Melby的《The Zen of Steve Jobs》一书记载的。该书中文版本被译为《苹果禅》。1985年,乔布斯被CEO约翰·斯卡利赶出苹果公司后,
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In modern radar techniques, pulse signal can be replaced by the chirps, which is taken to be signals in Lp space. Wigner’s function and ambiguity functions are
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