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玉米幼苗扒土晒根可以达到防病增产的目的。经过三年的小区重复试验,证实对供试的五个品种均有效果,但抗病性强的品种效果优于抗病性弱的品种。扒土的最适时期为一叶一心至二叶一心期;最适的深度为扒至芽鞘节下1~1.5厘米处;晒根最适的天数为10~15天。处理得当,防病效果可达50~70%,增产效果可达10%左右。苗期扒土晒根由于蹲前促后,也使成株期的株形形成下粗上矮细长的长相,适于密植,可由适当增株而达到再增产7%左右。此外,苗期扒土晒根还可汰除自交苗,减少此项减产所造成的5%左右的损失。上述各项效果总加起来,增产效果可达20%以上。本项措施的缺点是比较费工,每人一日只能完成1.5亩左右,但代替了一次铲地,节省了一次耥地,其工耗基本可以相抵。因此适当运用,仍不失为综合防治开创一个新环节。扒土晒报的防病机理初步证明以抗扩展为主,为光线对该病害的抗扩展作用提供理论研究的有价值的线索。 Grown corn seedling roots can achieve the purpose of disease prevention and yield. After three years of trial plots in plots, it proved to be effective for the five varieties tested, but the varieties with better disease resistance were better than the ones with weak disease resistance. Grilling the soil is the most suitable period from leaf to heart to two leaf one heart phase; the most suitable depth to grind to 1 ~ 1.5 cm under the sheath sheath Festival; root optimum number of days for 10 to 15 days. Properly handled, disease-prevention effect of up to 50 to 70%, the effect of increasing production of up to 10%. Grown at the seedling root drying roots due to promote postponed, but also make the adult plant form under the rough slender appearance, suitable for close planting, can be increased by the appropriate strains and then increase about 7%. In addition, seedling Grubbing sun roots can eliminate self-sprouts, reducing the loss caused by about 5% of the loss. The above effects add up to increase the effect of up to 20%. The disadvantage of this measure is more labor, each person can only finish about 1.5 acres a day, but instead of a shovel, save a land, its basic work can offset. Therefore, proper use of it still creates a new link for comprehensive prevention and control. The anti-pathogenic mechanism of Grilled soil sunbathing is initially proved to be resistant to expansion, which provides valuable clues for theoretical research on the anti-expansion effect of light on this disease.
研究了基于PID的控制系统中,检测环节传感器故障的检测方法。 The detection method of the sensor fault in the test link is studied in the control system based on PID
中图分类号:G635.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-1875(2009)08-171-01     德育是学校教育工作的主体,而作为德育的教育者的思想政治课教师,则担负着学校德育的主要教学任务。他们是思想政治教育活动的组织者、策划者、实施者和调节者,他们在教育过程中发挥着重要作用,在很大程度上决定了学校德育工作的质量,因此,提高他们的素质就显得尤为重要。    一、提高思想政治教师的文化
我区莜麦品种属于燕麦属的裸燕麦种(Avena nuda L.),其生态类型的划分也应以裸燕麦为对象,以种植历史较长的地方品种为依据。因为我区莜麦育种工作开展的时间短,育成品种和