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  The Birth of Hercules
  Michael Fontaine (Cornell University): Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Alcmene.
  Peter Struck (University of Pennsylvania): Classical
  mythology is loaded with stories of gods who
  1)impregnate mortal women, and give birth to gods or 2)demigods.
  Author: So this demigod idea means that this person has some features that are very godly, some 3)divine powers; but, at the same time, he is mortal, he can die. I suspect that the Greeks invented this idea because they wanted to reach the gods as much as possible, to create images of themselves that are closer and closer to the gods.
  Hercules would grow up to be Greece’s model hero, but he has one powerful enemy who wants to see him destroyed: Zeus’s wife, the Goddess Hera.
  A Terrible Incident
  As the story continues, Hercules comes of age – a man-god 4)straddling two worlds: the human and the supernatural.
  Greek Historian: He was unable to form emotional contacts with anyone. In fact, there seems to…have been a kind of 5)schizophrenic quality to his
  6)make-up. He was half human and half divine. And yet he had a father who would not protect him from the terrible 7)trials and tribulations that Hera 8)inflicted upon him. He was left alone, 9)suspended between heaven and earth, and having nowhere to go.
  Desperate for some 10)semblance of 11)normalcy, Hercules marries a beautiful princess who bears him two sons, but his domestic 12)bliss is short-lived. His 13)nemesis, Hera, soon returns, determined to make sure he never knows happiness.
  Expert A: She sends madness to him as he sleeps. And he, in his madness, believes that his wife and his children are his enemies.
  Expert B: When Hercules wakes up from this
  madness, from this 14)ravenous madness, he finds himself covered in the blood of his own family.
  Struck: He doesn’t really even know that he’s the one that did it, but nevertheless he has the blood stains on him. It is the physical mark of guilt, and this is the guilt he must bear. And it’s from this horrible incident that the rest of Hercules’s story unfolds.
  The Labors of Hercules
  At Delphi注1, the 15)oracle tells Hercules that only a terrible 16)penance can 17)absolve him of his crimes. To receive that penance, he must go to his cousin and archrival, King Eurystheus注2. But it’s a trick. Hera is using the oracle and King Eurystheus to crush
  Eurystheus assigns Hercules 12 challenges, all designed by Hera. They will forever be known as the Labors of Hercules. In them, the hero is challenged to rid the Greek world of its greatest evils, to confront its most 18)savage beasts, forces of nature, evil 19)tyrants, and monsters. No man could be expected to survive even one of these challenges, but Hercules must overcome twelve.
  Struck: Myths reflect historical events that have long since been past, so…they are a kind of code and a…ancient history that gets passed down from generation to generation. The stories of Hercules come together from
  people getting together in different cultures, and sharing their own tales of local heroes that they know who overcome great
  difficulties. And as they share these stories, they start to realize, “Wait a minute, our strong man seems to be a little bit like your strong man.” And then the…the
  traditions all weave together.
  Joining the 20)Olympians
  At last, Hercules has completed his penance. He has conquered every obstacle that has been put in his path, and endured physical and mental 21)torment beyond measure. By all rights, he should finally be at peace.
  Hera holds an undying 22)grudge against Hercules
  for being Zeus’s 23)illegitimate son. There is only one escape from her curse: death. He builds a huge
  funeral 24)pyre. His life on earth ends just as he endured it – in torment.
  Struck: And at the very end of it all, Zeus says, “Okay, Hercules, you’ve suffered enough, and you’re so great, I’m actually gonna go ahead and just make you a god.”
  This is the myth of Hercules – a timeless story of strength, suffering and 25)redemption.
  Struck: It’s the kind of story people like to hear.
  Fontaine: Because everyone has experienced trouble, and 26)toil, and suffering in their lives. They’ve all faced monumental tasks that they don’t think they’ll be able to…to complete.
  Struck: And they want to hear a story of someone who’s been through such things, but has still gotten through, and made it into the end. That Hercules can achieve success at the end points out to us that there’s a kind of…always a possibility of success, no matter how difficult our life might seem.
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