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  Two years after a tainted[污染的] milk scandal[事件] that left six children dead and 300,000 sick, Chinese researchers
  have discovered natural “biomarkers[生物标记]” in cow’s milk which they intend to use as a new standard for testing the quality of milk.
  Chinese Expert A: (interpreted) We’ve found that there is a new group of molecules[分子] in milk called microRNAs注.
  There are special characteristics related to these microRNAs in milk, so in the end we selected seven microRNAs as biomarkers to test its quantity in raw milk, and for use in quality control.
  In a paper published in Cell Research, Chinese scientists described how they analyzed raw milk taken from a farm in eastern China and found that it contained naturally occurring molecules called microRNAs.
  Chinese Expert B: (interpreted) They can be used to test the quality of milk made in different places, but these seven microRNAs are relatively stable as we examine milk from different origins and stages of production. Since it is a stable throughout, we can use it as a measure of the intensity of raw milk.
  Chinese Expert A: (interpreted) Theoretically, if the milk is diluted[稀释] or other things are added to the milk, there’s no way to restore the microRNAs to its original level, so as long as we test and confirm the level of microRNAs, we’ll be able to tell original raw milk from milk that has other additives.
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