
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengweimin
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We report the case of a 2.5-month-old infant with severe anaemia discovered fortuitously during an acute febrile illness.The patient was admitted because of a septic arthritis of the knee.Initial biology showed a 3.5 g/dl haemoglobin concentration.The anaemia was microcytic and hypochro-mic, with obvious haemolysis and reticulocytosis.Standard analysis was not contributive.Further investigations allowed the diagnosis of elliptocytosis.The patient was treated by antibiotics, orthopaedic measures and iterative transfusions.Now, 18 months from the initial episode, she is in good health.With this history, we discuss the clinical process facing severe anaemia during infancy and review the particularities of such uncommon congenital anaemia.Elliptocytosis is a haemolytic anaemia caused by congenital anomalies of the erythrocyte membrane.Diagnosis requires morphological studies of the red blood cells on peripheral blood smear.The disease is often overlooked by membrane protein electrophoresis.The condition is heterogeneous concerning clinical, biochemical and genetic aspects.Most of the cases are linked to mutations of the alpha-spectrin gene, in autoassociation regions.Search of spectrin and protein 4.1 genes mutations can confirm the diagnosis but is not routinely performed. We report the case of a 2.5-month-old infant with severe anaemia discovered fortuitously during an acute febrile illness. Of the patient was admitted because of a septic arthritis of the knee. Initial biology showed a 3.5 g / dl haemoglobin concentration. An an anemia was microcytic and hypochro-mic, with obvious haemolysis and reticulocytosis. Standard analysis was not contributive. Further investigations allowed the diagnosis of elliptocytosis. The patient was treated by antibiotics, orthopedic measures and iterative transfusions. Now, 18 months from the initial episode, she is in good health.With this history, we discuss the clinical process facing severe anemia during infancy and review the particularities of such uncommon congenital anaemia. Elliptocytosis is a haemolytic anaemia caused by congenital anomalies of the erythrocyte membrane. Diagnostic requires morphological studies of the red blood cells on peripheral blood smear. The disease is often overlooked by membrane protein electrophoresis The condition is heterogeneous about clinical, biochemical and genetic aspects. Host of the cases are linked to mutations of the alpha-spectrin gene, in autoassociation regions. Search of spectrin and protein 4.1 genome mutations can confirm the diagnosis but is not routinely performed.
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【摘要】近年来,经常有关于校园欺凌事件的报道。班主任要认识到做好反校园欺凌工作的重要性,认真进行反校园欺凌的宣传教育工作。面对校园欺凌事件,班主任要积极应对、公平处理,事后做好各方的心理疏导。  【关键词】校园欺凌 家校联合 心理疏导  【中图分类号】G635 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)29-0184-01  什么是校园欺凌?百度百科的解释是:指同学间欺负弱小、言
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