
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzqeng
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我们通常所说的花一般包括花柄(即花梗)、花托、花萼、花冠、雄蕊、雌蕊几部分(图1)。但平时我们称呼的花,有的不是上面这个概念,而是许多花的集合,或者是花萼,或者是苞片、叶子等等。例如: 向日葵,不是一朵花,而是许多无柄花依一定规律聚生在缩短的花轴上,形成头状,叫头状花序。这花序的边缘是舌状花,不结实。花序中部是筒状花,一朵筒状花结一粒葵花子。所以葵花朵朵向太阳是指的这头状花序向太阳。一品红(又名圣诞花),多朵花形成的杯状花序多数生于枝顶,花序下面的叶为鲜红或淡红色,形似花的一部分,与绿叶相配,颇美丽。一串红(又名西洋红),常用作布置花坛。其花萼钟状,与花冠同色,在花瓣脱落后萼筒能保留较长时间,显得花期较长,所以,在它 We usually say that the flowers generally include pedicel (pedicel), receptacle, calyx, corolla, stamens, pistil parts (Figure 1). But usually we call the flower, some not the above concept, but a collection of many flowers, or calyx, or bracts, leaves and so on. For example: sunflower, not a flower, but many sessile flowers according to a certain law clustered in the shortened flower axis, the formation of the head, called the head of the flower. The edge of this inflorescence is a flower of the tongue, not strong. The middle of the inflorescence is a tubular flower, a tubular flower a sunflower. Therefore, the sunflower blossoming to the sun refers to the head of the flower. Poinsettia (also known as Christmas flowers), the formation of many flowers cup-shaped inflorescences most born in the top, inflorescence below the leaves are bright red or pink, shaped like a flower, and green leaves, quite beautiful. A bunch of red (aka red magenta), often used for arranging flower beds. The calyx bell-shaped, with corolla the same color, after the petals off the calyx tube can retain a long time, it seems longer flowering, so in it
  辣椒轻斑驳病毒(Pepper Mild Mottle Virus,PMMoV)为烟草花叶病毒属(Tobamovirus)的(+)ssRNA病毒,是世界范围内造成辣椒经济损失的重要病原。侵染植株后叶片严重时出现斑
阳春三月,草长莺飞,桃李缤纷,万物复苏。捂了一冬的人们,无不陶醉在大好春光之中。然而,春天又是一个“百草发芽,百病发作”的季节, 如果不注意保健,容易招致各种疾病,甚至引起旧病复