
来源 :肿瘤研究与临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dark709
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患者,男性,62岁,1979年3月因大便次数增多伴血便,消瘦2月,经结肠镜检查诊断为乙状结肠肿瘤,行乙状结肠切除,腹内吻合术。病理诊断结肠腺癌。1980年4月行术后复查,发现血常规中Hb低达8%,伴大便潜血阳性随之进行结肠钡剂造影示为升结肠充盈缺损,行右半结肠切除术,病理诊断为结肠腺癌。术后化疗并中药治疗达2年自停。 Patients, male, 62 years old, March 1979 Due to increased stool frequency with bloody stool, weight loss in February, diagnosis of sigmoid colon by colonoscopy, sigmoid resection, intra-abdominal anastomosis. Pathological diagnosis of colon adenocarcinoma. April 1980 postoperative review and found that blood Hb as low as 8%, with fecal occult blood followed by colon barium showed ascending colon filling defect, the right half of the colon resection, the pathological diagnosis of colon adenocarcinoma . Postoperative chemotherapy and Chinese medicine for up to 2 years since the stop.
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