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  You wake up late because the radio does not come on. Outside there is only the sound of the wind, and of the birds in the trees. Most shockingly, the 1)rumble of traffic is gone. As the day 2)wears on, you realize you are completely alone.
  This is the plot of the movie I Am Legend,
  starring Will Smith as the last man alive on Earth.
  To wake up and find oneself the only human alive in a modern world, where everyone else has
  disappeared or been killed by some mysterious
  3)virus, is both the stuff of nightmares and of fantasy.
  For this would be a 4)tainted paradise, a world in which you could do anything you wanted. You would be a king, but your kingdom would be empty.
  But in reality, how long would the 5)average
  person survive if they found themselves the only
  human being left on the planet?
  Surviving in the City
  Survival experts have a 6)priority of 7)necessities. At the top are water, food and 8)shelter – the shelter, in a world full of empty buildings, would be no problem.
  But what about food and drink?
  A man can survive six weeks without food, but only six days without water. With everyone gone, no electricity and no 9)maintenance, 10)waterworks would soon stop working.
  In fact, our survivor would have to rely on bottled water. If he or she broke into a large supermarket, they might find several thousand litres of the stuff.
  Fortunately, supermarkets also contain a great deal of preserved food. Most 11)tinned meats,
  vegetables have 12)sell-by dates a couple of years hence, but the reality is that you could probably 13)live off it quite safely for decades.
  So, food and drink would not be a problem, although fresh food would be off the menu after a few days,
  unless our survivor could grow and gather crops, and fish or hunt – which would be a problem for most of us.
  A Life at Stake
  And as weeks turn into months, and months into years, there would be other problems.
  In the book The World Without Us注, author Alan Weisman 14)speculated what would happen if humanity was suddenly 15)wiped out.
  It wouldn’t take long, he pointed out, for the works of Man to start 16)crumbling. Without regular maintenance, suffering from rain, frost and heat, most of the buildings would start to crumble and become
  dangerous within a decade or so. In the long term, our survivor would have to choose a solid, stone building dating back a century or more.
  There would be another threat to our survivor: fire. One lightning-strike could set off a city-wide fire, with no fire brigade to put it out.
  17)Hygiene would be an 18)issue. If he chose to remain in the city, he would find the lack of 19)sewage works a problem after only a few days, while rivers would probably be too polluted to bathe in.
  The only hot water would come from a stove, and washing oneself and one’s clothes would be unpleasant (fortunately the world’s shops are full of many, many lifetimes’ worth of clean clothing).
  As for our survivor’s health, the lack of any other people to spread 20)infectious diseases would be a blessing, but the risk of accidents would be a worry –
  even a broken limb could quickly become 21)fatal if the injury was not dealt with correctly.
  What about transport? With no regular maintenance, most cars would last only a few years before they 22)give up the ghost. While the roads would be free of traffic jams, after a decade, most of them would become 23)overgrown with 24)weeds. After 20 years, many would be 25)impassable. After 50, trees would be growing through the motorways.
  A Comfortable Life
  Fortunately, our survivor would have the chance to enjoy the 26)combined wisdom of the millions of books in the world’s libraries (with no one to run the servers, and no electricity, the internet would shut down almost immediately).
  How to mend a broken car – and how to mend a broken arm, how to hunt, how to sail a boat…it’s all there 27)in black and white.
  Yes, life would be hard, but written help would be 28)on tap. If he kept his wits about him, and was lucky enough to stay healthy, our survivor could enjoy many years of comfort, even 29)luxury.
  For the surviving human, there would certainly be fun to be had with the remains of our civilization. He or she could 30)raid the museums and 31)galleries to build a temple to human achievement, containing the finest works of art. He could 32)decorate his home with Picassos and Da Vincis, fill his garden with Rodins and Michelangelos. He could drive any car, wear the best designer clothes.
  All by Oneself
  But in the years to come, these pleasures would surely 33)pale and our survivor would face a far bigger threat than starvation, thirst, or even disease.
  For as years turn to decades, our survivor would discover the 34)grim truth: that we are 35)tribal animals. Our survivor would probably exchange all the treasures of the world for a single 36)companion.
  What fun one could have if he or she were alone! In reality, once the 37)practicalities had been dealt with, he or she would almost certainly go mad.
  It would, quite 38)literally, be Hell on Earth.


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