上汽依维柯红岩双品牌悬念解开 合资公司确定“全市场”产品策略

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与过去合资公司或打造新品牌或被外资品牌替代不同,上汽依维柯红岩在双方谈判时保留下了“红岩”这个老品牌,实行红岩和依维柯的双品牌产品战略。在一个月前的挂牌仪式上,依维柯将提供怎样的产品、红岩品牌将如何发展、双品牌战略如何布局等问题都没有被详细透露,给人留下了一个个的悬念。7月20日,在上汽依维柯红岩举办的首届中国商用车发展高峰论坛上,上汽依维柯红岩总经理阳树毅、常务副总 Unlike previous joint ventures or the creation of new brands or substitution by foreign brands, SAIC-Iveco Hongyan retained the old brand of “Hongyan” and implemented the dual-brand product strategy of Hongyan and Iveco when the two parties negotiated. In the listing ceremony a month ago, Iveco will provide what kind of products, Hongyan brand will be how to develop, how the two-brand strategy layout and other issues have not been disclosed in detail, leaving one by one suspense. On July 20, at the first China Commercial Vehicle Development Summit held by SAIC Iveco Hongyan, Yang Shuyi, general manager of SAIC Iveco Hongyan, executive vice president
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