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居住与就业间的空间组织是城市空间结构的重要组成要素之一,国外自20世纪60年代提出后引发了大量关于弱势群体居住和就业空间机会及其关系的实证研究。近年来在中国城市快速空间重构的背景下,中低收入群体的职住分离现象也引起广泛关注。运用职住空间错位理论,以重庆市主城区公共租赁住房社区为案例进行研究,对541份有效问卷的统计分析表明:①公共租赁住房居民搬迁前通勤距离与通勤时间的均值分别从6.5 km与32 min,增加到搬迁后的15 km与52 min;②Logit回归分析表明,群体类型对公共租赁住房居民通勤时间差异影响最为显著,年龄与居民通勤时间呈负相关关系,性别与年龄对通勤时间产生较显著影响。③公共租赁住房供应的政策性因素造成了被动迁移型空间不匹配现象,是其住户的区位选择与主要就业场所不匹配而引发的,因此需要深入研究公共租赁住房合理的空间布局方案和实施途径,尽可能将公共租赁住房区位规划在内城。 The spatial organization of residence and employment is one of the important components of the urban spatial structure. Since the introduction of foreign countries in the 1960s, a large number of empirical studies have been conducted on the opportunities and relationships for the living and employment space of the disadvantaged groups. In recent years, under the background of rapid urban restructuring in China, the phenomenon of the separation of the working population and the middle-income group has also drawn extensive attention. By using the dislocation of working space and living space, a case study of public rental housing in the main urban area of ​​Chongqing was conducted. The statistical analysis of 541 valid questionnaires showed that: ① The average commuting distance and commuting time of residents in public rental housing moved from 6.5 km and 32 min, increased to 15 km and 52 min after relocation; ②Logit regression analysis showed that the group type had the most significant impact on the commute time difference of public rental housing residents, the age was negatively correlated with resident commuting time, and the gender and age had an impact on the commuting time More significant impact. (3) The policy-related factors of public rental housing supply caused the mismatch of passive migration space, which is caused by the mismatch between the location selection of their tenants and the main employment place. Therefore, it is necessary to study the reasonable spatial layout and implementation of public rental housing , As much as possible public rental housing location planning in the inner city.
哈萨克族的饮食与其畜牧业生产有着密切的关系,牛、马、绵羊、骆驼的肉和乳汁是哈萨克族饮食的主要原料。在漫长的历史中,哈萨克民族创造了特色浓郁的饮食文化。哈萨克族美食不仅为世人带来了口味独特的美味,更打开了一扇展示西域文化魅力和了解哈萨克民族文化的窗口。    哈萨克民族在自己漫长的历史中,创造了具有浓郁民族特色的饮食文化,过去他们一直把发展畜牧业当成主要的生产方式,所以哈萨克族的饮食文化也与之息息相