彰显权威性 增大亲和力——改进党报新闻报道方式的思考

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新闻不能策划,但新闻传播过程可以策划,对此业界和学界已取得共识。不同的报纸,重点选题不尽相同,策划方案各有特点。党报是党、政府和人民的喉舌,担负着“以正确的舆论引导人”的崇高使命,其重点选题报道策划尤显重要。在2月底召开的全国省级党报总编辑、电台电视台台长会议上,重点选题策划问题引起了与会同志的广泛关注。有鉴于此,出席会议的本刊总编辑遂决定《前沿关注》就此讨论一次。党报为什么要有重点选题策划?重点选题应包括哪些方面?重点选题策划怎样才能制度化、经常化?如何处理好重点选题与日常报道的关系?近年来新闻宣传的加强和改进为回答上述问题提供了实践基础,在此基础上的理论思考与概括又将更好地推动新闻实践。本期话题讨论的约稿信发出之后,得到了作者的积极响应,来稿踊跃,令人感动。这里选发5篇,均有特点,有的讲述感悟,有的分析案例,有的指出“执行力不可或缺”,有的建言“求完善机制为先”,整体来读,启示良多。诚如参与本期讨论的作者所言,重点选题的报道策划最能彰显党报的权威性和公信力,很值得下功夫抓紧、抓实、抓细、抓好。思想重视加上方法得当,各级党报上重点选题报道定会好戏连台。 News can not be planned, but the news media can be planned. As a result, the industry and academia have reached a consensus. Different newspapers, key topics vary, planning programs have their own characteristics. The party newspaper is the mouthpiece of the party, government and people, shouldering the lofty mission of “guiding people with correct public opinions,” and the planning and reporting of key topics are of utmost importance. At the end of February held the chief editor of the provincial party newspaper, radio and television station director meeting, key topics planning issues aroused widespread concern comrades. In view of this, the chief editor of the journalist who attended the conference decided to discuss “Frontier Concern”. How to deal with the relationship between key topics and daily reports? The strengthening and improvement of news propaganda in recent years is as follows: Answering the above questions provides the basis for practice, on the basis of which theoretical thinking and generalization will further promote the practice of journalism. After the issue of the letter of discussion on this topic was released, the author received a positive response and the manuscript was enthusiastic and moving. Some 5 articles are selected here, all of which have their own characteristics. Some of them tell the sentiment. Some of them analyze the case. Others point out that “execution is indispensable.” Some suggestions of “improving the mechanism first” read a whole lot. As stated by the authors who participated in this issue’s discussion, the planning and reporting of key topics can best demonstrate the authority and credibility of the Party’s newspapers. It is worth efforts to grasp these facts and grasp the details. With the proper emphasis on methods and methods, reports on major topics at all levels of the party newspaper will be well-played and even linked to Taiwan.
目的:本研究以人胃癌SGC-7901细胞为靶细胞,探讨 VES诱导人胃癌细胞凋亡过程中线粒体4种复合物酶活性的改变和ROS产生机制,并阐明ROS与线粒体复合物酶活性对VES诱导胃癌细胞凋亡