Discovery and study of silver sulfate mineral in S_5 from the eastern suburb of Xi'an

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edwardlj
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The paleosol samples from the fifth layer of the loess profile at Renjiapo in the eastern suburb of Xi’an are observed and analyzed using electron microscope and energy spectrum. Minerals such as AgSO4 and molybdenum, which are rare to find and can indicate typical dry climate environment, are found in this layer of paleosol. Secondary mineral is usually granular form of ellipsoidal and crystallization, and has the characteristics of chemical precipitating crystallization of apertures and fracture. Molybdenum minerals have the characteristics of colloidal substances. There are two kinds of secondary minerals. One is silver sulfate mineral and the other is silver oxide mineral. The movement of secondary silver, molybdenum and cobalt minerals, new clay mineral, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 indicates that S5 has experienced strong chemical weathering and mineral dissolution during its development. Silver, molybdenum, and cobalt can be released from primary minerals. During that period, the precipitation was abundant in Xi’an where soil reached an acidity stage of chemical weathering. At the later development stage of paleosol in the lowest part of S5, warm and wet monsoon climate had changed to dry and non-monsoon climate. In the period of the formation of AgSO4, which is easier to dissolve than CaSO4, a dry and non-monsoon climate was present in the Guanzhong Plain. Strong evaporation resulted in the accumulation of SO42-in the soil water solution and the formation of AgSO4. At that time, summer monsoon of East Asia was weak and did not cross Qinling Mountains to reach Guanzhong Plain. And at that time, the precipitation in Xi’an was less than 300 mm, and it was drier then in Xi’an than at present in Lanzhou. The paleosol samples from the fifth layer of the loess profile at Renjiapo in the eastern suburb of Xi’an are observed and analyzed using electron microscope and energy spectrum. Minerals such as AgSO4 and molybdenum, which are rare to find and can indicate typical dry climate environment, are found in this layer of paleosol. Secondary mineral is usually granular form of ellipsoidal and crystallization, and has the characteristics of chemical precipitating crystallization of apertures and fracture. Molybdenum minerals have the characteristics of colloidal substances. The movement of secondary silver, molybdenum and cobalt minerals, new clay mineral, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 indicates that S5 has experienced strong chemical weathering and mineral dissolution during its development. Silver, molybdenum , and cobalt can be released from primary minerals. During that period, the precipitati on the abundant development of Xi’an where soil reached an acidity stage of chemical weathering. At the later development stage of paleosol in the lowest part of S5, warm and wet monsoon climate had changed to dry and non-monsoon climate. the formation of AgSO4, which is easier to dissolve than CaSO4, a dry and non-monsoon climate was present in the Guanzhong Plain. Strong evaporation resulted in the accumulation of SO42-in the soil water solution and the formation of AgSO4. At that time , at monsoon of East asia was weak and did not cross Qinling Mountains to reach Guanzhong Plain. And at that time, the precipitation in Xi’an was less than 300 mm, and it was drier then in Xi’an than at present in Lanzhou .
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