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美格786FT采用了美格自主产权的美格珑显像管,这种显像管是日立公司与美格共同研发的第三代显像管,与SONY特丽珑和三菱钻石珑相比,是第一款没有阻尼线的珑管。珑管的特点是注重图像理性表现、聚焦精确、色彩纯正均匀及线条锐利小变形。美格珑显像管采用了高纯度、高效能的氖磷萤光粉,并且它采用高透光率的玻璃材料与美格最新研发的“炫彩X”涂层,这样使图像素质完全不受阻隔,因为减少了反射光干扰,图像对比度和亮度强势提升30%“单键飞梭”调节方式一向是美格系列显示器的传统,这种调节方式便于操作OSD菜单,通过按动786FT右边的“黄金眼”调控按钮,可以在缩放、鲜艳、暖色等几种模式下切换,以适应不同的应用场合。要说明的是,“黄金眼”系统所实现的这几种效果,通过手动调节也可实现,只不过没有这么方便而已。 786FT的OSD菜单包括对比度、亮度、水平、垂直、枕形/桶形失真调节、梯形/平行四边形调节等等,还有顶角/底角独立调节等一些不十分常见的功能。虽 US grid 786FT US grid using the United States-style megtron CRT, this CRT is a third-generation CRT developed jointly by Hitachi and MAG, compared with the SONY Trinitron and Diamond Diamond, is the first without damping Long line of pipe. Long tube features pay attention to the image of rational performance, focus accurately, pure and uniform color and sharp lines small deformation. Megtron CRT with high-purity, high-performance neon phosphors, and it uses high transmittance glass materials and the United States developed the latest “Bright X” coating, so that the image quality is completely unobstructed , Because of reduced reflected light interference, image contrast and brightness increased by 30% “Shuttle” adjustment mode has always been the traditional MAG series display, this adjustment mode easy to operate OSD menu, by pressing the right of the 786FT “Golden Eye ”Control button, you can zoom, bright, warm and so on several modes to switch to adapt to different applications. It should be noted that the “Golden Eye” system to achieve these effects can also be achieved through manual adjustment, but not so convenient. The 786FT’s OSD menus include contrast, brightness, horizontal, vertical, pincushion / barrel distortion adjustment, trapezoidal / parallelogram adjustment, etc., as well as some not-so-common features such as independent adjustment of the top / bottom corners. although
The influences of pulling speed V and temperature gradient G on morphology evolution, concentration distribution, solute trapping and interface stability during
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在我省东北部的乌蒙山区,林木葱郁,峰峦叠翠,万山丛中,生长着优良用材树种黄杉(Pseudotsuga sinensis),树冠塔形,枝叶嫩绿,主干灰色,雄伟听力,姿态壮丽。树高可达50米,胸径
据悉,DS2Tech 公司日前已成功开发一种用于原油及其衍生物如汽油、柴油、喷气燃料和燃料油深度脱硫的氧化脱硫工艺。该公司宣称这是迄今为止全球唯一有效的深度氧化脱硫工艺
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