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当代社会,已步入以信息技术为核心的知识经济时代,随着高校扩招的进一步落实,信息化成为实现学校跨越式发展的必由之路。因此,构建信息化校园对于抢占教育信息化制高点,实现学校跨越式发展有着重要意义。目前,我省多数大专院校建成了校园网,许多民办高校也建立起自己的校园网。十六大明确地将“信息化与工业化并重,以信息化带动工业化,来实现跨越式的发展”作为国家发展的基本国策之一,中央也明确提出“加快发展信息技术在经济、社会、国防、教育、 In the modern era of knowledge-based economy where information technology is the core, with the further implementation of the expansion of college enrollment, informatization has become the only way to realize the leap-forward development of schools. Therefore, the construction of information-based campus is of great significance for seizing the commanding heights of education informationization and realizing the leap-forward development of schools. At present, most colleges and universities in our province built a campus network, many private colleges and universities have also established their own campus network. The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitly stated that “equal emphasis on informationization and industrialization should be given to industrialization by means of informationization to achieve leapfrog development”. As one of the basic state policies for national development, the Central Government also explicitly proposed that "we should speed up the development of information technology in the fields of economy, society, ,education,
本季,在现实与过往的交汇点,仿佛有一个傲慢又浪荡的性感女子绰约走来,收腰的小套装、女人味十足的细跟鞋,染着艳红色的嘴唇……用捉摸不透的姿态,邀我们回到“40年代”。 T
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
玩石找“人”不容易,而找一个中意的“好人”更不容易。眼前的光板玛瑙作者所选定的石体角度形态圆球在上,从而确定了人物的创作思路与基本形态。 Play stone to find “pe
2008年1月6日,由青海省委宣传部、青海省文联、青海省作家协会、青海电视台联合主办的我省青年 January 6, 2008, by the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee Propaganda D
21-day in-situ ADCP current and CTD data from an anchored observational station by R/V Shiyan 3 are used to investigate the characteristics of internal tide in