Mo isotopes in the Lower Cambrian formation of southern China and its implications on paleo-ocean en

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuyanfang1968
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Over the past decade, as one of nontraditional stable isotopes, Mo isotope has developed rapidly and now become an important geochemical proxy to trace paleo-oceanic and atmospheric evolution through geological history. In this paper, Early Cambrian formations in southern China are investigated. The results indicate that δ 97/95Mo values of Early Cambrian seawater may have been larger than 1.4‰, values that are close to those of the modern ocean. It was also found that the variations in Mo isotope composition in samples from two sections (Huangjiawan and Gezhongwu in Guizhou) were closely related to changes in redox conditions during sedimentary processes. Combining our results with existing data, a preliminary model for the evolution of seawater Mo isotope composition through geological history was provided. It indicated that Mo isotopic variations were generally consistent with the evolution of atmospheric oxygen. Over the past decade, as one of nontraditional stable isotopes, Mo isotope has developed rapidly and now become an important geochemical proxy to trace paleo-oceanic and atmospheric evolution through geological history. In this paper, Early Cambrian formations in southern China are investigated. results that that δ 97 / 95Mo values ​​of Early Cambrian seawater may have been larger than 1.4 ‰, values ​​that are close to those of the modern ocean. It was also found that the variations in Mo isotope composition in samples from two sections (Huangjiawan and Gezhongwu in Guizhou were closely related to changes in redox conditions during sedimentary processes. Combining our results with existing data, a preliminary model for the evolution of seawater Mo isotope composition through geological history was provided. It indicates that Mo isotopic variations were generally consistent with the evolution of atmospheric oxygen.
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