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国家重大历史题材美术创作工程作品展以我国波澜壮阔的反帝、反封建、反殖民主义斗争和社会主义革命、建设、改革的重大历史事件为主题内容,汇集了国内最具实力的艺术家,集中创作出了一批表现我国重大历史事件的大型主题性美术作品。这些精彩的力作不仅代表了艺术家们呕心沥血的工作,也渗透着其他参与者殚精竭虑的努力,特别是负责部分雕塑承制工作的山西宇达集团,在短短的一个月时间内尽善尽美地完成了这项国家重大的政治性任务,既使雕塑作品高水平的艺术水准得以实现,又协同艺术家一起为国家留下了一笔宝贵的传世财富。 With the grand anti-imperialist, anti-feudal and anti-colonialist struggles and the major historical events of socialist revolution, construction and reform in our country, the exhibition of works of art of major national historical themes has brought together the most powerful artists in China and concentrated their creative work Out of a number of large-scale thematic events show our major works of art. These wonderful works not only represent the painstaking work of artists, but also infiltrate the efforts of other participants. Especially, the Shanxi Yuda Group, which is responsible for the part of sculpture, completed this perfectly in a matter of a month The major political task of the country, not only enables the high level of artistic accomplishment of the sculptures, but also, together with the artists, has left a precious legacy for the country.
本试验以课题组前期调查的平蒂形(Flat Type, FT)和凸蒂形(Prominent Type,PT)黄果柑(Citrus cultivar cv. Huangguogan)为研究材料,为研究调控其果蒂性状的内在机理,试验首
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