
来源 :中国艾滋病性病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linjavac
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目的 建立HIV经输血传播干预模式,防止HIV进入临床用血。方法 选择基本状况相似的两个地市级中心血站,分别进行综合干预和作为对照。干预的内容包括:(1)进行健康教育,宣传AIDS/HIV知识和个人预防HIV感染的措施方法;(2)在干预血站中建立标准化HIV抗体检测实验室,对检验人员进行培训,建立标准操作程序,完善质量保证和质量控制系统;(3)通过积极的宣传运动推动公民义务献血的开展,彻底废除有偿献血。干预项目分三步进行,即基线调查、干预实施阶段和干预效果评价。结果 经过5个月的综合干预后,在干预人群中,对HIV传播途径的知晓率从37.8%提高到87%,对HIV预防知识的知晓率从7%提高到90%,性接触从4%降至1%,而对照组却基本没有提高。对血站HIV抗体检测质控方面,干预血站对10份HIV抗体检测质控考核样品的检测符合率从干预前的80%上升为100%。对照组血站从干预前的80%上升到90%,仍残留10%检测错误率。对两血站HIV抗体初筛检测合格的样品抽取30%进行复检的结果看,干预组的假阴性率从干预前的0.5%降为0,而对照组从检测前的0.4%降为 0.2%,即仍有假阴性样品的存在。在义务献血方面,干预血站义务献血占总采血量的百分比从干预前的85%提高到干预后的100%。对照组从87%提高到93%。结论 干预措施 Objective To establish HIV transfusion intervention mode to prevent HIV from entering clinical blood. Methods Two local blood centers with similar basic conditions were selected for comprehensive intervention and as control respectively. Interventions include: (1) health education, AIDS / HIV awareness and individual measures to prevent HIV infection; (2) establishment of standardized HIV antibody testing laboratories in intervention blood banks, training of inspectors, establishment of standards Operation procedures, improve the quality assurance and quality control system; (3) through active advocacy campaign to promote voluntary blood donation to citizens, the complete abolition of paid blood donation. The intervention project is divided into three steps, namely, baseline survey, intervention implementation phase and evaluation of intervention effect. Results After five months of comprehensive intervention, among the intervention groups, the awareness rate of HIV transmission was increased from 37.8% to 87%, the awareness rate of HIV prevention knowledge was raised from 7% to 90%, and that of sexual contact from 4% Dropped to 1%, while the control group has basically no improvement. In terms of the quality control of HIV antibody test in bloodstains, the coincidence rate of detection of 10 HIV antibody test quality control samples in intervention blood stations was increased from 80% before intervention to 100%. The control group blood bank rose from 80% before intervention to 90%, still leaving a 10% detection error rate. According to the result of reexamination of 30% of the samples tested for HIV antibody screening in two blood stations, the false negative rate in the intervention group decreased from 0.5% before the intervention to 0, while the control group decreased from 0.4% before the test to 0.2 %, That is, the existence of false negative samples. In terms of voluntary blood donation, the percentage of voluntary blood donation to blood donation to total blood transfusion increased from 85% before intervention to 100% after intervention. The control group increased from 87% to 93%. Conclusion Interventions
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