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1.“空、空”声。单缸柴油机启动时,如果听到空气滤清器内发出“空、空”的响声;多缸柴油机低速运转“空、空”声音明显,高速轻微,断缸后响声并不消失。这些都是空气滤清器漏气产生的声响。2.“咝咝”声。在空气滤清器处听到“咝咝”声,好像打气筒的打气声,熄火时伴有沉闷的“叭叭”声,这说明是进气门漏气;在排气管部位听到“咝咝”声并伴有“噗嗤”声,这是排气门漏气发出的声音。 1. “Empty, empty ” sound. Single cylinder diesel engine starts, if you hear the air filter issued “empty, ” sound; multi-cylinder diesel engine running at low speed “air, air ” sound obvious, high speed slightly, . These are the sound of air filter leaks. 2. “咝 咝 ” sound. In the air filter to hear “咝 咝 ” sound, as if the inflatable pump sound, flameout accompanied by boring “horn ” sound, indicating that the intake valve leaks; in the exhaust pipe Parts of the sound “咝 咝 ” sound and accompanied by “Puchi ” sound, which is the sound of exhaust valve leaks.
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