
来源 :内蒙古林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ychh1988
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“要想富,先修路.”这一老少皆知的口号,道出了公路建设对拉动地方经济发展的重要性.公路是国民经济发展的重要基础和保障.是国家经济的动脉.1990年以来.我区公路里程虽以每年近200公里的速度增加,但现有公路网密度与发达地区仍相差甚远,发展潜力很大.随着公路建设的进行.占征用林地的发生已不可回避.然而.林业部门的同志在办理公路建设占征用林地手续过程中.往往不知如何与对方协商.依法维护本部门的利益.下面.笔者就解决公路建设占征用林地之主要问题略述管见.计算公路建设占征用林地面积的关键是如何确定合理合法的占征用林地宽度.这往往是争议的焦点.因此.搞清这一问题至关重要. “To become rich, we must first build a road.” This well-known slogan shows the importance of highway construction in stimulating the development of the local economy. The highway is an important foundation and guarantee for the development of the national economy. It is the artery of the national economy. Although the highway mileage in our region has increased at a speed of nearly 200 kilometers per year, the existing road network density still lags far behind the developed areas and has great potential for development. With the progress of highway construction, the occupation of requisitioned forest land no longer takes place However, the comrades in the forestry department handle highway construction and requisition forest land formalities, often do not know how to negotiate with each other and safeguard the interests of the department according to the law, and the author discusses the major problems of highway construction and requisition of forest land. The key to calculating the area occupied by highway construction is how to determine the width of the expropriated forest land reasonably and legally, which is often the focus of controversy. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to understand this issue.
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实践证明,尽管“自主、合作、探究”的理念已经提了很多年了,教师口头上也接受,但一到课堂上还是教师滔滔不绝地讲,学生死气沉沉地听;教师接二连三地问,学生断断续续地答;教师不断地发出指令,学生手忙脚乱地去执行。学生忙来忙去还是处在被动接受的地位,那有什么自主性可言?究其原因,主要是学习方式没有完全转变。  转变学习方式就要转变教学方式。有学生曾向笔者说:“老师,我喜欢你,但我不喜欢政治。”经调查,笔者
7月12日,正值星期天,市委常委、常务副市长徐进冒着烈日专程率市科技局、宜宾市商业银行等部门同志到翠屏区邱场乡谢坝村、叙府茶业有限公司调研指导工作。 On July 12, on